Examples of Filter strip in a sentence
In such case, the EO shall follow the procedure set forth in 2 above.
Re-enrolled filter strips are eligible for funding up to the minimum width as set forth in the 393 standard, or 50’, whichever is greater.6. New filter strips must have crop history 4 of the past 6 years unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the Watershed Planning Commission or County Board.7. Filter strip payments shall be split over two to four years.
Filter strip widths for the Vandalia Lake TMDL were estimated based on the slope.
Analyzing the data from the three sources through descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (correlation) and thematic categorization, it was found that Debre Markos University writing skills teachers have a positive belief about the importance of formative assessment in enhancing student learning and instruction.
Management Practices Filter strip - A vegetated area of land separating a water body from forest management activities.
On the basis of both the theory and observed performance the filter strip will last at least 60 year before silt Figure 4 Filter strip accumulation is likely to be noticed (ie it reaches about 5mm), if at all.
Guidelines that apply to preventing soil erosion are as follows: Filter strip guidelines – Pg. 24-28, General Guidelines sectionMeasures to prevent erosion on steep slopes – Pg. 75, General Guidelines section Pg. 9, 10, 28-32 Forest RoadsPg. 26 Timber HarvestingPg 5,6 Mechanical Site Preparation Pg 9,10 Fire ManagementPg. 8 Forest Recreation Management Background:Detrimental soil conditions may result in long-term net loss of soil organic matter and impaired nutrient cycling.
Filter StripsInput parameters: Filter strip input parameters include length and width of filter strip, drainage area or volume routed over filter strip.
Resonance stabilization is generally stronger than inductive effects, and is the predominant factor stabilizing the tropylium and trityl cations.
Filter strip widths for the Altamont New Reservoir TMDL were estimated based on the slope.