Final and Unappealable definition
Examples of Final and Unappealable in a sentence
The purpose of this Notice is to advise Class Members that:(i) On August 6, 2005, a Settlement Agreement was entered into between Lobo, as the Class Representative for the Class, and BP America, which will become effective when a Court Order approving the settlement becomes Final and Unappealable (as that term is specifically defined in the Settlement Agreement).
The date that the Mod Permits become Final and Unappealable shall be defined as the “Effective Date”.
Within ninety (90) days following the Final and Unappealable issuance of the Mod Permits, Operator shall cause to be transferred to the Village of Creston in fee simple the real property located to the east of the Landfill, consisting of approximately 83.1 acres (consisting of all of PIN 00-00-00-000) and consisting of approximately 3.2 acres (consisting of all of PIN 25-23- 100-002).
Upon OPERATOR’s receipt of the Final and Unappealable Mod Permits from IEPA, OPERATOR shall make a donation of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) to the Rochelle Area Community Foundation.
Upon OPERATOR’s receipt of the Final and Unappealable Mod Permits from IEPA, OPERATOR shall pay to the City an amount equal to One Million Four Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($1,460,000.00).
Upon OPERATOR’s receipt of the Final and Unappealable Mod Permits from IEPA, the CITY’s obligation to repay OPERATOR for its share of the Xxxxxxx Road Improvements, which are approximately $750,000.00, shall be waived and forgiven, and the CITY shall have no obligation with regard to payment for the Xxxxxxx Road Improvements.
On August 17, 2005, in accordance with the Settlement Agreement, BP America deposited $150 million ($150,000,000.00) into an interest bearing account under the direct control of the Court and for the benefit of the Class upon the settlement becoming Final and Unappealable (the “Settlement Fund”).
Notwithstanding any other term or condition of this Agreement, it shall be a condition precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement that the Landfill shall have received from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“IEPA”) Final and Unappealable permit modification approvals (including approval that “Unit 1” shall be closed without exhumation of the “Xxxx 0” Xxxxx xxxxxxxx xx XXXX xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Environmental Protection Agency (“USEPA”) guidelines) (the “Mod Permits”).
On August 17, 2005, in accordance with the Settlement Agreement, BP America deposited $150 million ($150,000,000.00) into an interest bearing account under the direct control of the Court and for the benefit of the Class upon the settlement becoming Final and Unappealable (the "Settlement Fund").
In the event that the Landfill does not receive Final and Unappealable Mod Permits from IEPA, this Agreement shall not become effective, and the terms and conditions of the Restated Original Agreement shall continue to apply and govern the relationship between the CITY and OPERATOR.