Section 4.9 Sample Clauses
Section 4.9. 2 The District will provide the Association reasonable access to new employees of the bargaining unit 3 for the purposes of presenting information about their exclusive bargaining representative to the new 5 at another time mutually agreed to by the District and the Association. No employee may be mandated 6 to attend the meetings or presentations by the Association. “Reasonable access” for the purposes of 7 this section means: (a) The access to the new employee occurs within ninety (90) days of the 8 employee’s start date within the bargaining unit; (b) The access is for no less than thirty (30) minutes; 9 and (c) The access occurs during the new employee’s regular work hours at the employee’s regular 10 worksite, or at a location mutually agreed to by the District and Association. Bargaining unit 12 working hours. 16 A R T I C L E V 17 18 APPROPRIATE MATTERS FOR CONSULTATION AND NEGOTIATION
Section 4.9. 26 The Association shall furnish the District Payroll Office with a list of union members as of the date of 27 execution and with the names of all new members within five (5) days after they become affiliated 28 with the Association. The District Payroll Office will provide the Association with a list of all 29 bargaining unit employees semi-annually with notations as to who the District is deducting dues from. 32 When reductions in the bargaining unit work force are being contemplated, the District shall first meet 33 and confer with the Association as to the necessity for and the manner of any reductions in the work 34 force.
Section 4.9. 45 The Association will be granted use of employee mailboxes for communication. An Association 46 representative may place notices in the individual mailboxes and may use District email to distribute 47 general notices. The Association accepts legal and fiscal responsibility for all contents. 1 ARTICLE V 3 APPROPRIATE MATTERS FOR CONSULTATION AND NEGOTIATION
Section 4.9. 27 Association leadership shall have access to new employees for thirty (30) minutes at the end of each new 28 employee orientation for classified employees. For classified employees hired outside of the scheduled new 29 employee orientation sessions, the District agrees to allow Association leadership to meet with newly hired 30 employee(s) during the employee’s paid time (extra time will not be paid by the district for this purpose). 31 Association leadership will be responsible for scheduling said meetings.
Section 4.9. 39 KAEOP may use the District’s internal mail distribution system and e-mail system for the following 40 purposes:
Section 4.9. 12 The President of the Association and his/her designated representative will be provided time off 13 without loss of pay to a maximum of six (6) days per year to attend regional or state meetings with the 14 purpose of these meetings is in the best interest of the District as determined by the District 15 Administration and the Association. The Association will pay for a substitute if a substitute is hired.
Section 4.9. 44 The Association will designate a conference committee of up to five (5) members who will meet with 45 the superintendent and/or designee on a mutually agreeable regular basis to discuss appropriate 46 matters. 1 ARTICLE V 3 APPROPRIATE MATTERS FOR CONSULTATION AND NEGOTIATION
Section 4.9. Section 4.9 (Annual Budget) of the Partnership Agreement is hereby amended as follows:
(a) The first sentence is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with the following: “The Partnership has an annual budget for the operations of the Partnership and its Subsidiaries for 2004 (the “Initial Budget”) which has been approved by the Partners pursuant to the Transaction Agreement. The Initial Budget includes, and each Annual Budget (as defined below) shall include, a separate budget (including details of revenues, expenses, capital expenditures, etc. on a monthly basis) for each of the Houston Business, the Kansas Business and the Southwest Business (such separate budgets shall, with respect to an Asset Pool, be treated as the Annual Budget therefor). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the budgets for each of the Houston Business, the Kansas Business and the Southwest Business shall be considered, for purposes of approval required under this Section 4.9, as a single combined Annual Budget and shall be submitted as such to the Management Committee for approval in its entirety.”
(b) The second sentence is amended by deleting the reference therein to “1999” and replacing it with “2004”.
Section 4.9. KAEOP may use the District’s internal mail distribution system and e-mail system for the
6 1. Meeting notification
7 2. Communication containing information on grievances
8 3. Matters relating to joint KSD/KAEOP training, KAEOP activities or in-service opportunities 10 Communications other than the above shall need prior approval of the assistant superintendent of human 11 resources. Communications shall not be for the purposes of solicitation, editorializing, and/or political 12 campaigning; nor shall such communications be inflammatory in nature. KAEOP shall include the 13 assistant superintendent of human resources in all electronic mailings at the time the e-mail is sent.
Section 4.9. 26 The Union may use District buildings for meetings during non-working hours as per District policy.