Examples of Fish and wildlife habitat in a sentence
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation means land management for maintaining species in suitable habitats within their natural geographic distribution so that isolated populations are not created.
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas include both aquatic and terrestrial areas within Mason County.
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas may be altered only if the proposed alteration of the habitat or the mitigation proposed does not degrade the qualitative functions and values of the habitat.
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas include areas with which endangered, threatened, and sensitive species have a primary association; waters of the state; state natural area preserves and natural conservation areas; and streams and rivers planted with game fish by a governmental agency.
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas do not include such artificial features or constructs as irrigation delivery systems, irrigation infrastructure, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches that lie within the boundaries of, and are maintained by, a port district or an irrigation district or company.
There are five critical areas identified in the Growth Management Act (GMA).1 They are:• Wetlands.• Areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water.• Frequently flooded areas.• Geologically hazardous areas.• Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas.
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and their associated buffers shall be placed either in a separate tract on which development is prohibited, protected by execution of an easement, dedicated to a conservation organization or land trust, or similarly preserved through a permanent protective mechanism acceptable to the City.
Fish and wildlife habitat protection is achieved through application of the acknowledged Tualatin Basin Goal 5 program, which encompassed existing county Goal 5 designations and Clean Water Services Water Quality Sensitive Areas and vegetated corridors.
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation means land management for maintaining species in suitable habitats within their natural geographic distribution so that isolated subpopulations are not created.
Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas are those areas that support regulated fish and wildlife species, typically identified either by known point locations of specific species (such as a nest or den) or by habitat areas or both.B. Federally- and State-Listed Species and their Associated Habitats.