Examples of Fisheries resources in a sentence
Fisheries resources, management and exploitation - freshwater, brackish water and marine; Aquaculture- Inland and marine; biotechnology; post-harvest technology.
Fisheries resources may be of particular importance in meeting the cultural and economic needs of many indigenous communities.
Fisheries resources, management and exploitation - freshwater, brackish- water and marine; Aquaculture- Inland and marine; biotechnology; post-harvest technology.
Fisheries resources are expected to return to the area following the cessation of dredging, backfilling and capping works.
Fisheries resources such as ponds, wet terrace fields, lakes and reservoirs, streams and rivers etc., can contribute considerably in the improvement of livelihood of the people in the State.
Fisheries resources and their status have been documented (Morton and Healy 1992).
The Ministry has the mandate of overall management and development of livestock and Fisheries resources for sustainable achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty, Improved Livelihood of Livestock and Fisheries Dependent Communities, Food Safety & Security without compromising animal welfare and environmental conservation.
Fisheries resources Brassua Lake Brassua Lake and its outlet Moose River have been historically noted for the excellent trout fisheries.
Fisheries resources are among the most significant natural endowments of Uganda.
Fisheries resources are under threat in Pacific countries in the CTI-CFF, including from Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing and the ROPA needs to address these issues and the root causes underlying them.