Examples of Floating in a sentence
Floating holiday hours are based on the number of hours an employee is assigned per day (e.g. if an employee is assigned to a 10-hour shift, he/she would receive thirty (30) hours of floating holiday leave).
Floating Loss The current loss on Open Positions calculated at the current prices.
Mode of Computation of Interest and Applicable Rate of Interest Floating Rate of Interest Applicable floating rate of Interest will be % per annum which is % (herein referred to as Credit Risk Premium) above the DCB Bank's RBLRHL (Revised Benchmark Linked Rate Home Loan) as applicable on the date of loan.
Floating holiday hours are received the first full pay period after January 1 of each calendar year.
Floating NAV MMFs would face a lower risk of runs for the reasons outlined in section 3(a): Frequent changes in these funds’ NAVs would help align investor perceptions and actual fund risks, and investors would have reduced incentives to redeem early in a crisis without a rounded NAV.