Floating Sample Clauses

Floating. Nurses required to float within the Medical Center inpatient or outpatient settings will receive adequate orientation. Appropriate resources will be available as follows: a. Introduction to the charge nurse and/or nurse resource for the shift; b. Review of emergency procedures for that unit; c. Tour of the physical environment and location of supplies and equipment; d. Review of the patient assignment and unit routine. Nurses shall not be required to perform new procedures without nursing supervision. Nurses shall seek supervisory guidance for those tasks or procedures for which they have not been trained. Nurses who encounter difficulties related to floating should report these to the appropriate Nurse Manager. There will be no adverse consequences for a nurse filing a concern. The Nurse Manager (or designee) will seek volunteers among the nurses present on the unit before assigning nurses to float. Floating will be assigned on an equitable basis as determined by each unit. The Medical Center will make a good faith effort not to require a nurse to float more than once per shift. Nurses assigned to float will receive a patient assignment taking into account the nurse’s training and experience. When feasible, the Nursing Supervisor or designee will offer the Patient Care Unit(s) an option to recommend floating assignments for unit RNs before per diems are assigned. Attempts will be made to float RNs in designated clinical clusters. Upon request, RNs with over 20 years of continuous professional nursing service at UWMC shall float only after all others when skill-mix permits.
FloatingEmployees required to float within the hospital inpatient or outpatient settings will receive adequate orientation. Appropriate resources will be available as follows: (a) introduction to the charge nurse and/or employee resource for the shift; (b) review of emergency procedures for that unit; (c) tour of the physical environment and location of supplies and equipment; (d) review of the patient assignment and unit routine. Employees shall not be required to perform new procedures without appropriate supervision. Employees shall seek supervisory guidance for those tasks or procedures for which they have not been trained. Employees who encounter difficulties related to floating should report these to the appropriate supervisor/manager. There will be no adverse consequences for an employee filing a concern. See also Article 45.13 regarding charge nurse duties when floating. New Graduate/Returning employees will normally not be floated unless their unit is closed. In this case they will be assigned a specific preceptor or resource employee to provide close and direct supervision. A record of the order of floating will be maintained on the unit for a reasonable period of time. Employees accepting or requesting employment of either separate part-time positions or assignment in specific multiple departments will be notified in writing in their appointment letters that they are not eligible for float pay for this assignment. It is not the employer’s intent to create split positions for the purpose of minimizing part-time employment or float pay.
FloatingUnless agreed otherwise between the Employer and the employees in a particular department, the Employer shall make float assignments to other departments in the following order: (1) qualified designated float employees; (2) qualified relief and temporary employees on duty; and (3) qualified regular employees in reverse order of seniority from the applicable department, except that new employees in their probationary period will not be floated during their first twelve (12) shifts worked. For purposes of float assignments, Patient Team Supports shall be considered to be in the same classification as CNAs unless the staffing needs of a department require otherwise.
Floating. The Employer retains the right to change the nurse’s daily work assignment on a shift-by-shift basis to meet patient care needs. Nurses required to float to a different unit will receive orientation to the unit which is appropriate to the assignment. Orientation will be dependent upon the nurse’s previous experience and familiarity with the nursing unit to which such nurse is assigned. 4.4.1 Subject to patient care and safety considerations, the Employer and the Association further agree that: a. floating assignments shall be equitably rotated on each unit with the order of rotation based on inverse seniority; b. nurses placed on-call shall normally be on-call for their care set only; c. once a staff nurse successfully completes orientation, that nurse shall be included in the float rotation for that unit; and d. while a nurse is on orientation they may float in rotation with their preceptor
Floating. A certified nursing assistant (C.N.A), Patient Team Support, or Unit Coordinator who is scheduled to work on his/her assigned unit may be required to float to any other nursing unit. The above shall receive float assignments consistent with their skills, competencies and the patient population to which they are oriented. Among those employees who are competent to float shall be floated in the following order: 1. Volunteers, 2. Agency and travelers, 3. Float pool, 4. And then by an equitable system of rotation among those remaining.
Floating. The Employer retains the right to change the employee’s daily work assignment to meet patient care needs. Employees will not be required to perform tasks or procedures for which they have not been currently trained. In consultation with unit preceptors and employees regularly assigned to the unit, managers will develop unit specific orientation tools to be used by employees floated into the unit. Employees will only be floated to those areas where they have received adequate orientation, except in cases of emergency. The employer will notify employees as far in advance as possible if they are to be floated to another work area. Employees will not be required to float to more than one (1) work unit per shift, except in cases of emergency. Efforts shall be made to return a floated employee to the employee’s regularly assigned unit rather than replace the employee with another float. At the request of the employee or union, the parties shall meet to discuss and problem solve any situation where an employee in a Specialty Center or location with multiple Primary Care units is floated out of the unit for twenty-five percent (25%) or more of their shifts over a three (3) month period.
Floating. (A) The University will make its best efforts to minimize floating within the term of this contract. In the event that it becomes necessary for an employee to be assigned, on a shift-by-shift basis, to another unit, nursing management shall ensure that patient care assignments shall be within the educational and skill level of the assigned/floated nurse. The University shall utilize the following guidelines when floating/assigning nurses: 1. Float pool employees shall be assigned prior to the floating of other full-time or part-time bargaining unit members. 2. Volunteers shall be sought. 3. Agency personnel assigned. 4. Per diem, then overtime staff will be assigned. 5. Finally, the University may assign employees on a rotation basis, with the least senior employee floating first. The University will use its best efforts to assure that the floating of staff will be done on an equitable basis. To do so, the University will assign an employee during his/her orientation period, e.g. new hire, new program implementation/equipment introduction, in such manner as to enable the employee to acquire the necessary experience and training to assure safe practice when he/she is floated. No employee will be given an assignment for which she/he has not been adequately trained, or which would cause the employee to violate the Rules and Regulations of the New Jersey Board of Nursing Practice Act. During the term of this contract, the University will use its best efforts to minimize floating on an interim basis during the work shift. Daily floating will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. If a full-time and/or part-time staff nurse has been floated more than five (5) shifts during the previous quarter, the floated nurse will receive a differential of three dollars ($3.00) per hour for all additional hours floated. A differential of three dollars ($3.00) per hour will be paid to a full-time and/or part-time employee who is assigned to a different “float section” on a temporary shift-by-shift basis. However, said float assignment shall not be counted when determining the employee’s eligibility to receive the three dollar ($3.00) per hour differential for being floated more than five (5) shifts in a quarter set forth in the paragraph above. In Newark (Sections 1 through 11) 1. EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT/TAA/FLIGHT NURSES/EMS NURSES
FloatingThe Employer retains the right to float employees on a shift by shift basis to meet patient care and departmental needs. Floating is defined as: 1. A change in work unit/department for a shift or partial shift 2. In the case of float pool employees, it is defined as the flexibility of an employee who is assigned daily to various units/departments based on the staffing needs of the campus. Employees will be expected to perform all basic functions of their classifications but will not be required to perform tasks or procedures specifically applicable to the work unit for which they are not qualified or trained to perform. Employees required to float will receive orientation appropriate to the assignment. Orientation will be dependent upon the employee’s previous experience and familiarity with the work unit to which the employee is assigned. Volunteers will be sought first when floating is necessary. Floating assignments by classification within a work unit will be rotated equitably with the least senior employee floated first, DocuSign Envelope ID: BEFBB062-E555-4F5B-B860-9823A305B434 subject to skill, competence, ability and other patient care or departmental considerations, in the opinion of the Employer.
Floating. ‌ Nurses who float will be adequately oriented and have the appropriate basic skills for the units to which they float. Volunteers will be sought first when floating is necessary. Nurses will be expected to perform all basic nursing functions but will not be required to perform tasks or procedures for which they are not qualified or trained to perform.
Floating. A. Within thirty (30) days following ratification of this Agreement, each nurse must notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital, as to the nurse's willingness to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, to float to areas specified by the Hospital. Thereafter, each year in December, any nurse willing to become or remain a Float Nurse shall provide such notice in writing. Any change in status resulting from such notice will be effective for the next calendar year, after receipt of the written notice. The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable estimation of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number of nurses providing notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds the number of Float Nurses needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on the basis of seniority from among those already cross-trained and then on the basis of seniority among those requesting to be cross- trained. 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met: (a) The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the Hospital’s agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take a patient care assignment on another unit(s). (b) When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will float to the unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to independently take a patient care assignment. (c) The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for which he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to independently take a patient care assignment on such unit(s). (d) The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when requested by the Hospital. (e) The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify a nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be floated, when it is known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital will inform the nurse as soon as possible. 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) full shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other than voluntary MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with Article 17.B.1(f). A voluntary MDO shall not count toward either of these limits. A voluntary MDO shall not be granted, however, if the Hospital has determined a need for the Float Nurse to float to anoth...