Regional System definition
Examples of Regional System in a sentence
Clustering Interconnection Studies shall be conducted in such a manner to ensure the efficient implementation of the applicable Regional System Plan in light of the New England Transmission System’s capabilities for the time period under study.
The ISO will also notify the Qualified Transmission Project Sponsor that proposed the preferred Stage Two Solution that its project has been selected for development, and include the project as a Public Policy Transmission Upgrade in the Regional System Plan and RSP Project List, as it is updated from time to time in accordance with this Attachment.
When the combination of the triggers specified in Section 4.2.1 of this LGIP are present in the interconnection queue, the System Operator will provide notice to the Planning Advisory Committee of the initiation of a cluster for studying certain Interconnection Requests under the Regional System Planning Process in accordance with Section 15.1 of Attachment K, Section II of the Tariff.
An Interconnection Customer with an LGIA, in order to maintain its Initial Synchronization Date, may request that Interconnecting Transmission Owner or appropriate Affected Party advance to the extent necessary the completion of Network Upgrades that: (i) are necessary to support such Initial Synchronization Date and (ii) would otherwise not be completed, pursuant to the Regional System Plan, in time to support such Initial Synchronization Date.
Such information shall include but not be limited to, information reasonably requested by ISO-NE to prepare the Regional System Plan.