Suppliers definition

Suppliers means any person or entity, including affiliates of the Company, who locates, purchases, sells, stores and/or transports natural gas or its equivalent for or on behalf of the Company. Suppliers may include, but not be limited to, interstate pipeline transmission companies, producers, brokers, marketers, associations, intrastate pipeline transmission companies, joint ventures, providers of LNG, LPG, SNG, and other hydrocarbons used as feed-stock, other distribution companies and end-users.
Suppliers and/or "Contractor" means the individual, firm or corporation, awarded the contract(s) and/or order(s) for the final agreement(s) of this Invitation to Bid.
Suppliers means an entity (other than Customer) whose components, subassemblies, software and/or services have been incorporated into Products and/or Services.

Examples of Suppliers in a sentence

  • In accordance with the Local Distributor’s Terms and Conditions for Competitive Suppliers Sections 3B(6) and 7A, the Local Distributor will be responsible for any metering which may be required to bill Participating Consumers.

  • This includes (1) Basic Service consumers who have indicated that they do not want their contact information shared with Competitive Suppliers for marketing purposes; and (2) consumers receiving Basic Service plus an optional Green Power product that allows concurrent enrollment in either Basic Service or competitive supply.

  • Competitive Supplier agrees that it shall comply with the provisions of 220 C.M.R. 25.00, 27.00, 28.00 and 29.00, as applicable to Competitive Suppliers, and any amendments thereto, and any code of conduct or policies the Department may adopt in accordance with M.G.L. c.

  • You agree with MLA, its communications suppliers (the “Communications Suppliers”) being express third party beneficiaries, as follows: These terms may be amended from time to time by MLA and the Communications Suppliers, as the case may be with respect to the communications services that form a part of the Services.

  • The Supplier shall as soon as is reasonably practicable after receiving the Authority’s Approval of the Supplier's Proposals (having regard to the significance of any risks highlighted in the Review Report) effect any change in its practices or procedures necessary so as to give effect to the Supplier's Proposals.

More Definitions of Suppliers

Suppliers means the providers of services procured by the Customer through the Technology.
Suppliers means any Person who supplies to the Seller or the Buyer (other than the Seller), as applicable, material, equipment, labor, goods, or services in connection with the Seller’s or the Buyer’s, as applicable, obligations under this Contract, other than contracts for labor or other services to be performed at the Site.
Suppliers shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.20.2.
Suppliers means manufacturers, vendors or suppliers.
Suppliers shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.25.
Suppliers means a manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman or vendor having a direct contract with Contractor or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by Contractor or any Subcontractor.
Suppliers means the official suppliers, resellers and partners of the Provider who assist, or have assisted, in the development or update of the Platform or Application, delivery of Services, or perform such other functions at the request of the Provider to enable it to perform its obligations under this Agreement;