Full Requirements Service definition

Full Requirements Service means the provision of retail regulated electric service including generation, transmission, distribution and ancillary services all provided by the Company.
Full Requirements Service means wholesale service to supply all of the power needs of a Load Serving Entity to serve end-users within the PJM Region that are not satisfied by its own generating facilities.
Full Requirements Service means the provision of retail Regulated Electric Service including generation, transmission, distribution, and ancillary services all provided by the Cooperative pursuant to its rates for standard electric service.

Examples of Full Requirements Service in a sentence

  • Subject to any applicable confidentiality requirements, Seller shall provide to Buyer, to the best of its knowledge, the generation resources used to supply Full Requirements Service, including fuel mix and environmental disclosure data.

  • Buyer and Seller shall work with PJM to establish any PJM E-Accounts necessary for Seller to provide Full Requirements Service.

  • Seller warrants that it has good title to the Full Requirements Service sold and delivered hereunder and that it has the right to sell such Full Requirements Service.

  • With respect to a Transaction, Seller shall provide Full Requirements Service on a firm and continuous basis such that the Specified Percentage is supplied during the Delivery Period.

  • Seller shall schedule Full Requirements Service pursuant to the PJM Agreements.

More Definitions of Full Requirements Service

Full Requirements Service means all necessary Energy, Capacity, Transmission other than Network Integration Transmission Service, Ancillary Services, Renewable Energy Obligation (as defined in Section 4.4 (Renewable Energy Obligation)), transmission and distribution losses, congestion management costs, and such other services or products that are required to supply the Specified Percentage except for Network Integration Transmission Service and distribution service. Full Requirements Service shall include any Federal Renewable Requirement only to the extent that such Federal Renewable Requirement is in effect prior to the Initial Bid Date, and as additionally provided for in Section 4.4 (Renewable Energy Obligation). Full Requirements Service shall not include any offsets required under the Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program described in Public Utilities Article §7-306.2. The Maryland Public Service Commission has approved regulations that implement a community solar pilot program for about 200 MW of solar capacity to be purchased over three years. Electric utilities will be required to start complying with the regulations upon receipt and approval of subscriber applications, or January 2017, six months from when the regulations take effect. This will result in a reduction in the SOS Load being served by wholesale suppliers.
Full Requirements Service means all necessary Energy, Capacity, transmission other than Network Integration Transmission Service, Ancillary Services, AECs for compliance with the AEPS Act, transmission and distribution losses, congestion management costs, and such other services or products that are required to supply the Specified Percentage except for distribution service.
Full Requirements Service shall require that Seller be the sole source of Gas or Electricity for 100% of Buyer’s purchased supply needs including all services specified by the ISO or in the DC Tariff then in effect, as required to supply Buyer's demand at the Delivery Point(s) [except for Delivery Services, which are expressly excluded from Full Requirements Service].
Full Requirements Service means all necessary Energy, Capacity, Transmission other than Network Integration Transmission Service, Ancillary Services, transmission and distribution losses, congestion management costs, and such other services or products that are required to supply the Specified Percentage except for Network Integration Transmission Service, distribution service, and Renewable Energy Resource requirement,.
Full Requirements Service means all-requirements electric service on a continuous basis, including, but not limited to, the following products: Energy, Unforced Capacity, Ancillary Services, Unaccounted For Energy and associated losses necessary to fulfill all PJM obligations as they may change from time to time associated with providing all-requirements electric service to the SOS Load, as further defined pursuant to Article 3. Such Full Requirements Service shall include changes in customer demand for any reason, including, but not limited to, seasonal factors, daily load fluctuations, increased or decreased usage, transmission and distribution outages, customer decisions regarding whether to take generation service from an alternate supplier, demand side management activities, extremes in weather, and other similar events.
Full Requirements Service means those services described in Section 2.1 of this Agreement.
Full Requirements Service. The amount of service required to provide capacity, energy (including Distribution Loss Factors) and all necessary ancillary services, transmission, coordination, scheduling and pre-scheduling power supply, and imbalances up to the Energy Delivery Point, to fully meet the needs of the Designated Green Mountain Customer Load in accordance with the requirements of the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. ("PJM") or the East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement ("ECAR"), as appropriate and the EDC(s) and delivery to the EDCs at the Energy Delivery Points but does not include Reconciliation.