Fundamental alteration definition

Fundamental alteration means a change in the essential nature of a program or activity, or a cost that the local entity can demonstrate would result in an undue burden. Factors to be considered in determining whether a requested modification would result in a fundamental alteration are referenced in Step 3 of this process (described later in the Step by Step Process section of this guide.)
Fundamental alteration means and refers to an action that, if taken by the City of
Fundamental alteration means a change to SPS’s service, program, or activity that alters the nature of the service, program, or activity. Where SPS can document that providing

Examples of Fundamental alteration in a sentence

  • Fundamental alteration is a change that is so significant that it alters the essential nature a job or an academic course or program.

  • Although public entities must ensure that individuals with disabilities receive the same benefits and services offered to others without disabilities, they do not have to take actions or make accommodations that would cause:• Fundamental alteration of the nature of the program or activity, or• Undue financial or administrative burdens.

  • Fundamental alteration of the goals, mission or objectives of CMHA.

  • Fundamental alteration means a change in the fundamental characteristic or purpose of the product or service, not merely a cosmetic or aesthetic change.

  • Fundamental alteration is a defense to an ADA claim in litigation.

  • Rather, states are obliged to “make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures when the modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, unless the public entity can demonstrate that making the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity.”8 Fundamental alteration of a program takes into account three factors:1.

  • Fundamental alteration: Modification of academic requirements that are essential to instruction being pursued by a student or to any directly related licensing requirement.

More Definitions of Fundamental alteration

Fundamental alteration means a change to the essential purpose of the service, program, or activity at issue.
Fundamental alteration means a significant modification that alters the essential nature of the services, programs, activities, facilities, privileges, advantages or courses offered.
Fundamental alteration means a change to a University service, program, or activity that significantly alters the essential nature of the service, program, or activity, which includes academic courses or technology. Where a fundamental alteration can be documented, the University will take any other action that would not result in such an alteration but would nevertheless, ensure that, to the maximum extent possible, qualified individuals with disabilities receive the benefits of services provided by the University.
Fundamental alteration means a change so significant that it alters the essential nature of College curricula, programs of study, academic or licensing requirements, or other College Sponsored Activities.
Fundamental alteration means and refers to an action that, if taken by the City of Deltona,would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the service, program or activity of Pedestrian Rights of Way in the City of Deltona. If the City claims that any action otherwise required by this Transition Plan would constitute a Fundamental Alteration, the City shall have to demonstrate that such alteration would

Related to Fundamental alteration

  • Major Alteration means change other than repair or replacement of building materials or equipment with materials and equipment of a similar type.

  • Substantial alteration means an alteration that has a major impact on the architectural features, characteristics, appearance, or integrity of a structure or lot. The term does not include routine maintenance that is reasonably necessary to maintain a dealership facility in attractive condition and does not include any changes to items protected by federal intellectual property rights.

  • Structural alteration means an Alteration that (i) will result in a change in the footprint of the Improvements, (ii) involves the addition of one or more floors to the Improvements, (iii) affects the structural elements or any exterior walls of the Improvements, (iv) decreases the rentable square footage of the Leased Premises other than to a de minimis extent or (v) adversely affects the proper functioning and/or capacity of the building systems in the Improvements.

  • Material Alteration means any alteration affecting structural elements of the Improvements, utility or HVAC system contained in any Improvements or the exterior of any Property, the cost of which exceeds the Alteration Threshold; provided, however, that in no event shall (i) any Required Repairs, (ii) any tenant improvement work performed pursuant to any Lease existing on the date hereof or entered into hereafter in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, or (iii) alterations performed as part of a Restoration, constitute a Material Alteration.

  • Structural Alterations means any Alterations involving the structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire/life safety or heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems of the Building.

  • Specialty Alterations means Alterations consisting of kitchens, executive bathrooms, raised computer floors, computer installations, vaults, libraries, internal staircases, dumbwaiters, pneumatic tubes, vertical and horizontal transportation systems, and other Alterations of a similar character.

  • Building, structure, facility, or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same major group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).

  • Improvement warranty means an applicant's unconditional warranty that the

  • Alterations means all changes, additions, improvements or repairs to, all alterations, reconstructions, renewals, replacements or removals of and all substitutions or replacements for any of the Improvements or Equipment, both interior and exterior, structural and non-structural, and ordinary and extraordinary.

  • Improvement warranty period means a period:

  • Capital Improvement or "Capital Improvement Project" means the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, planning and equipping of roads and bridges, wastewater treatment facilities, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and storm water and sanitary collection, storage and treatment facilities of Local Subdivisions, including real property, interests in real property, and facilities and equipment of Local Subdivisions related or incidental thereto.

  • Installation Site means the site at which the Product is originally installed.

  • Installation Work means the construction and installation of the System and the Start-up, testing and acceptance (but not the operation and maintenance) thereof; all performed by or for the Power Producer at the Premises.

  • Substitute Improvements means the substitute or additional improvements of the Issuer described in Article V hereof.

  • Premises Building Partial Damage means if the Building of which the Premises are a part is damaged or destroyed to the extent that the cost to repair is less than fifty percent (50%) of the then Replacement Cost of the building.

  • Off-premises sign means a sign relating, through its mes­ sage and content, to a business activity, product, or service not available on the premises upon which the sign is erected.

  • Alteration Threshold means an amount equal to 5% of the outstanding principal amount of the Loan.

  • Substantial improvement means any combination of repairs, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, taking place during any one-year period for which the cost equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the “start of construction” of the improvement. This term includes structures which have incurred “substantial damage”, regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either:

  • Base Building Work means the base building work for the Building as described in this Manual.

  • On-premises sign means a sign advertising activities conducted or maintained on the property on which it is located. The boundary of the property shall be as determined by tax rolls, deed registrations, and apparent land use delineations. If a sign consists principally of brand name or trade name advertising and the product or service advertised is only incidental to the principal activity conducted or maintained on the property, or if the sign brings rental income to the property owner or sign owner, it shall be considered the business of outdoor advertising and not an on-premises sign. On-premises sign does not include a sign on a narrow strip of land contiguous to the advertised activity, or a sign on an easement on adjacent property, when the purpose is clearly to circumvent the intent of this act.

  • meter installation means the meter and, if so equipped, the instrument transformers, wiring, test links, fuses, lamps, loss of potential alarms, meters, data recorders, telecommunication equipment and spin-off data facilities installed to measure power past a meter point, provide remote access to the metered data and monitor the condition of the installed equipment;

  • this Tenant Work Letter means the relevant portion of Sections 1 through 6 of this Tenant Work Letter.

  • Tenant Improvements Defined in Exhibit B, if any.

  • Leasehold Improvements means all buildings, structures, improvements and fixtures located on any Leased Real Property which are owned by any Group Company, regardless of whether title to such buildings, structures, improvements or fixtures are subject to reversion to the landlord or other Third Party upon the expiration or termination of the Lease for such Leased Real Property.

  • Capital Improvements mean the purchase, renovation, rehabilitation, or construction of permanent land, buildings, structures, equipment and furnishings used directly for or in the Project, and any goods or services for the Project that are purchased and capitalized under GAAP, including any organizational costs and research and development costs incurred in Illinois. Capitalized lease costs for land, buildings, structures or equipment shall be included in “Capital Improvements” only if the lease term, including any extensions or options to extend, equals or exceeds the term of this Agreement, and provided that such lease costs are valued at their present value using the corporate interest rate prevailing at the time the Company filed its Application with the Department.

  • Installation Date means the date specified in the Statement of Work by which the Contractor must have the ordered Equipment ready (certified) for use by the State.