Examples of SPMCIL in a sentence
We undertake to pay SPCMIL up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without SPMCIL having to substantiate its demand.
We have not been blacklisted/ debarred by BNPMIPL/ BRBNMPL/ SPMCIL or any Govt.
In case the day upto which the tenders are to remain valid falls on/ subsequently declared a holiday or closed day for SPMCIL, the tender validity shall automatically be extended upto the next working day.
The G.M., India Government Mint, Mumbai, For and on behalf of the CMD, SPMCIL, reserves the right to accept in part or in full any tender or reject any tender without assigning any reason or to cancel the tendering process and reject all tenders at anytime prior to award of Contract, without incurring any liability, whatsoever to the affected tenderer or tenderers.
In case the tenderer offers to supply goods, which are manufactured by some other firm, the tenderer has been duly authorized by the goods manufacturer to quote for and supply the goods to SPMCIL.
If the tenderer does not agree to the observation of SPMCIL, the tender is liable to be ignored.
The supplier shall take over the replaced parts/ goods after providing their replacements and no claim, whatsoever shall lie on SPMCIL for such replaced parts/ goods thereafter.
In case the tenderer falls in these categories, it should furnish certified copy of its valid registration details (with DGS&D or NSIC or SPMCIL as the case may be).
If, in the price structure quoted by a tenderer, there is discrepancy between the unit price and the total price (which is obtained by multiplying the unit price by the quantity), the unit price shall prevail and the total price corrected accordingly, unless SPMCIL feels that the tenderer has made a mistake in placing the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted shall prevail over the unit price and the unit price corrected accordingly.
No claim whatsoever shall lie against the SPMCIL on account of such termination of the contract or variation in the quantity.