Examples of General Plans in a sentence
As a result, housing policy in California rests largely upon the effective implementation of local General Plans and, in particular, local Housing Elements.
SCAQMD Air Quality Management PlanThe California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a discussion of any inconsistencies between a proposed project and applicable General Plans and regional plans (CEQA Guidelines Section 15125).
Specifically, Government Code Section 65588 requires that local governments review and revise the Housing Element of their comprehensive General Plans not less than once every eight years.
Coordination with local jurisdictions on plans that have a great impact on transportation such as General Plans and Air Quality plans are essential to the success of our planning efforts.
Growth inducement may constitute an adverse impact if the growth is not consistent with or accommodated by the land use plans and policies for the affected area.Local land use plans, typically General Plans, provide for land use development patterns and growth policies that allow for the “orderly” expansion of urban development supported by adequate urban public services, such as water supply, sewer service, and new roadway infrastructure.
However, if during the implementation of this Housing Element any inconsistencies with other portions of the General Plans are identified, appropriate amendments to maintain internal consistency will be proposed.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a discussion of any inconsistencies between a proposed project and applicable General Plans and Regional Plans (CEQA Guidelines Section 15125).
Policies and programs set forth in this Housing Element are consistent with policies and programs in other elements of the respective General Plans.
State law requires that the Housing Element be consistent with other elements of jurisdictions’ General Plans.
Recognizing the important part that local planning programs play in pursuit of this goal, the Legislature has mandated that all cities and counties prepare a Housing Element as part of their comprehensive General Plans.