Examples of General Statement in a sentence
It will be the responsibility of the CCO or, in his or her absence, a member of the Management Committee to determine if the seven day period may be waived using the standard discussed in the General Statement of Policy.
It will be the responsibility of the Trading Compliance Officer or, in his/her absence, a member of the Management Committee to determine if this seven-day period may be waived using the standard discussed in the General Statement of Policy.
The following General Statement of Work is envisioned for the project and should be considered when responding to the RFP.
General Statement Funds of the County will be invested in accordance with federal and state law and this investment policy.
The academy policies must be approved by the Trust to ensure it meets the employers legal and moral requirements and will be in addition to the Trust wide policies, procedures and guidance.The Trust wide Health and Safety Policies, Procedures and Guidance must not be amended, either to add to or remove, in any way, apart from inserting the name of the individual Academy and on the General Statement of Intent.
General Statement The financial statements constitute a general purpose financial report which has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards, Statements of Accounting Concepts and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, and Urgent Issues Group (UIG) Consensus Views as applied by the Treasurer's Instructions.
General Statement An effective performance evaluation process recognizes and rewards excellent performance and addresses areas for improvement.
The Organiser’s General Statement on Health and Safety is available on request and the Exhibitor and the Exhibitor's Staff must comply with its content.
General Statement on ApplicabilityThe Governing board or chief administrative officer of each organization is responsible for compliance with these standards.
General Statement WHV prohibits all employees from trading in their accounts or in accounts under their direct or indirect control (see discussion below regarding beneficial interest), either personally or on behalf of others, while in possession of material, nonpublic information.