Examples of GetData Query in a sentence
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if CLEC determines that it does not require real-time GetData Query access, but can manage its Query volumes into off-peak days and hours, and such Query management would not result in SBC-12STATE exhausting its Query-processing capacity, the Parties may mutually agree upon dates and times during which CLEC will launch its Queries, until adequate capacity is available.
Should any judicial or regulatory entity having appropriate jurisdiction determine that SBC-12STATE cannot offer GetData access to a particular LIDB Data Element(s) or that SBC-12STATE cannot support CLEC's service using GetData access to LIDB, the Parties agree that CLEC will cease its GetData Queries for such Data Element(s) and that, where technically feasible, SBC-12STATE can invoke LIDB Data Screening to deny such GetData Query access in accordance with the judicial or regulatory review.
The Parties agree, that for the purposes of validating accounts and billing and collections, the data Customer retrieves from AT&T SOUTHWEST REGION 5-STATE’s and/or AT&T CALIFORNIA’s LIDB through a GetData Query may be retained by Customer for ninety (90) days from the date on which Customer requested the data, whereupon Customer will delete or otherwise destroy the information.
Customer will not send any GetData Query containing a request for calling card PIN information.
AT&T CALIFORNIA will charge Customer a per-Query and a per-Query Transport rate as set forth in Appendix I, Pricing of this Agreement for each GetData Query that Customer initiates into the respective LIDB, including those Queries for which AT&T CALIFORNIA returns a Complete or Partial Screen.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Customer determines that it does not require real-time GetData Query access, but can manage its GetData Query volumes into off-peak days and hours, and such Query management would not result in AT&T-12STATE' exhausting its Query-processing capacity, the Parties may mutually agree upon dates and times during which Customer will launch its Queries, until adequate capacity is available.