Examples of Gifts and entertainment in a sentence
Gifts and entertainment provided will be monitored through the periodic review of expense reports.
Gifts and entertainment, however, should not compromise, or appear to compromise, your ability to make objective and fair business decisions.
Gifts and entertainment can take many forms, including but not limited to: goods or services for which employees are not required to pay the retail or usual and customary cost; meals or refreshments; tickets to entertainment or sporting events; the use of a residence, vacation home or other accommodation; travel expenses; or charitable contributions or organization sponsorships.
Gifts and entertainment should further the business interests of the Company and not be construed as potentially influencing business judgment or creating an obligation.
Gifts and entertainment must be reasonable in terms of frequency and value.
Gifts and entertainment must not be excessive in value, in cash, susceptible of being construed as a bribe or kickback, or in violation of any laws.
Note: Gifts and entertainment may not be offered or exchanged under any circumstances to or with any employees of the U.S. government or state or local governments.
Gifts and entertainment, both to and from outside entities, raise many questions.
Gifts and entertainment should not involve activities, products, or venues which could be considered embarrassing or in “bad taste.” Any gift or entertainment you accept or offer must be reasonable in cost, quantity, and frequency.
Gifts and Entertainment5.7 Gifts and entertainment are not needed in order to conduct business with the FIA and are highly discouraged.