Glass Or Safety Glazing Material. We cover:
a. The breakage of glass or safety glazing mate- rial which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window; and
b. Damage to covered property by glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window;
(2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window when caused directly by earth movement; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered property caused solely by the pieces, fragments or splinters of broken glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results because the glass or safety glazing material has been broken, except as provided in a.(3) above; or
(2) On the "residence premises" if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days immediately before the loss, except when the breakage results directly from earth movement as provided in a.(2) above. A dwelling being constructed is not considered vacant.
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability that applies to the damaged property.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window;
(2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window when caused directly by earth move- ment; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered property caused solely by the pieces, fragments or splinters of broken glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results be- cause the glass or safety glazing mate- rial has been broken, except as pro- vided in a.(3) above; or
(2) On the "residence premises" if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days immediately before the loss, except when the breakage re- sults directly from earth movement as provided in a.(2) above. A dwelling be- ing constructed is not considered va- cant.
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability that applies to the damaged prop- erty.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window;
(2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window when caused directly by earth move- ment; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered property caused solely by the pieces, fragments or splinters of broken glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results be- cause the glass or safety glazing mate- rial has been broken, except as provided in a.(3) above; or
(2) On the Described Location if the dwell- ing has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days immediately before the loss, except when the breakage results directly from earth movement as pro- vided for in a.(2) above. A dwelling being constructed is not considered vacant.
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability that applies to the damaged prop- erty.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window, and cov- ered as Building Additions And Altera- tions;
(2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window and cov- ered as Building Additions And Altera- tions when caused directly by earth movement; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered property caused solely by the pieces, fragments or splinters of broken glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results be- cause the glass or safety glazing mate- rial has been broken, except as provided in a.(3) above; or
(2) On the "residence premises" if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days immediately before the loss, except when the breakage re- sults directly from earth movement as provided in a.(2) above. A dwelling being constructed is not considered vacant.
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability that applies to the damaged prop- erty.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window and cov- ered under Coverage A;
(2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window and cov- ered under Coverage A when caused directly by earth movement; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered property caused solely by the pieces, fragments or splinters of broken glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results be- cause the glass or safety glazing mate- rial has been broken, except as pro- vided in a.(3) above; or
(2) To the "residence premises" if the building containing the "residence premises" has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days immediately before the loss, except when the break- age results directly from earth move- ment as provided in a.(2) above. A building being constructed is not con- sidered vacant.
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability that applies to the damaged prop- erty.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window and covered under Coverage A;
(2) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window and covered under Coverage A when caused directly by earth movement; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered property caused solely by the pieces, fragments or splinters of broken glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results because the glass or safety glazing material has been broken, except as provided in a.(3) above; or
(2) To the "residence premises" if the building containing the "residence premises" has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days immediately before the loss, except when the breakage results directly from earth movement as provided in a.(2) above. A building being constructed is not considered vacant.
c. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability that applies to the damaged property.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material. We cover:
a. The breakage of glass or safety glazing mate- rial which is part of a building, storm door or storm window, and covered as Building Addi- tions and Alterations; and
b. Damage to covered property by glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window. This coverage does not include loss on the "resi- dence premises" if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 30 consecutive days immediately before the loss. Loss for damage to glass will be settled on the ba- sis of replacement with safety glazing materials when required by ordinance or law. This coverage does not increase the limit of liabil- ity that applies to the damaged property.
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material. We cover:
a. the breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window; and
b. damage to covered property by glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window. COVERAGE A - DWELLING and COVERAGE B - OTHER STRUCTURES
1. involving col la pse, other than as provided in Other Coverages 10; 2. caused by:
a. freezing of a plumbing, heating, air condi- tioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or of a household appliance, or by discharge, leakage or overflow from within the system or appliance caused by freezing. This exclusion applies only while the dwelling is vacant, unoccupied or being constructed un- less you have used reasonable care to:
(1) maintain heat in the building; or
(2) shut off the water supply and drain the system and appliances of water;
b. freezing, thawing, pressure or weight of water or ice, whether driven by wind or not, to a:
(1) fence, pavement, patio or swimming pool;
(2) foundation, retaining wall or bulkhead; or
(3) pier, wharf or dock;
c. theft of property not part of a covered building or structure;
d. theft in or to a dwelling or structure under construction; e. wind, hail, ice, snow or sleet to:
(1) outdoor radio and television antennas and aerials including their lead-in wiring, masts or towers; or
(2) trees, shrubs, plants or lawns;
f. vandalism and malicious mischief, theft or at- tempted theft if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 30 consecutive days imme- diately before the loss. A dwelling being con- structed is not considered vacant;
g. constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or steam over a period of weeks, months or years from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or from within a household appliance;
h. (1) wear and tear, marring, deterioration;
Glass Or Safety Glazing Material a. We cover:
(1) The breakage of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window;
(2) The breakage, caused directly by Earth Movement, of glass or safety glazing material which is part of a covered building, storm door or storm window; and
(3) The direct physical loss to covered property caused solely by the pieces, fragments or splinters of broken glass or safety glazing material which is part of a building, storm door or storm window.
b. This coverage does not include loss:
(1) To covered property which results because the glass or safety glazing material has been broken, except as provided in a.(3) above; or
(2) On the "residence premises" if the dwelling has been vacant for more than