Graduate Program definition

Graduate Program means any duly constituted graduate program.
Graduate Program. Official Lab Start Date:
Graduate Program means a program offered by an Oklahoma

Examples of Graduate Program in a sentence

  • Petitions shall be submitted through the Graduate Program Directors and copied directly to the Xxxx.

  • Procedural Criteria • In cases where the Dean, the advisors, or other members of the faculty determine that a student is not making reasonable progress or is not conforming to the standards of responsible behavior expected of a student of the David Rockefeller Graduate Program, the student and advisor shall be so informed and the established procedures invoked to review the status of the student.

  • If the Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) or ad hoc committee should recommend that the student be terminated from the Graduate Program, the student will be told whether or not, and under what terms, he or she may be eligible for the MS degree.

  • The mission of The David Rockefeller Graduate Program at The Rockefeller University, a world- renown center for research and graduate education, is to provide the highest quality education in science for the benefit of humanity.

  • Within five working days, the Neutral Chair must also submit a written report of the examination procedures to the Dean of Graduate Studies, copied to the Graduate Program Director.

More Definitions of Graduate Program

Graduate Program means a prescribed series of
Graduate Program means a post-baccalaureate accredited program leading to a master’s or doctoral degree, including a professional doctoral degree, whether offered through an accredited graduate or professional school.
Graduate Program means a degree program, as defined by Section 61.003, to which a student may be admitted that leads to a master ’s or doctoral degree.
Graduate Program means a program offered by the faculty of graduate studies or designated faculties of the recognized institution.
Graduate Program or "program" means a sequence of courses, activities or experiences in an academic discipline or sub-discipline which leads to award of any degree in the academic discipline or sub-discipline beyond the baccalaureate degree, including a master's degree, doctoral degree, or professional degree in fields such as law, medicine or other professions.
Graduate Program. The existing Masters (MS) Degree in Geology is currently undergoing modification with a degree title change to Earth and Quaternary Science and a broadening of the program by restructuring the degree requirements. As a result of this modification additional department faculty will be able to participate in the revised graduate program. It will also attract a more diverse array and number of students with interests in environmental sciences, earth sciences, paleoenvironments, biogeography, geoarchaeology, among other topics that are encompassed by Quaternary Science (study of the last 1.8 million years of earth history) and Earth Sciences. Both thesis and non-thesis MS degree options will be continued.
Graduate Program means an entry level program aimed at building the leadership and capability of the Agency and developing the knowledge and skills of Graduate within the Australian Public Service (APS). Hard barrier means a break between two classifications where the only mechanism for advancement is through an open merit based selection process. Manager is authorised by the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the powers and responsibilities of a Manager or supervisor in relation to an Employee. A manager for the purposes of this Agreement is an Employee at or above the Executive Level 1 classification, unless otherwise specified.