Grease trap waste means material collected in and from a grease trap in the sanitary sewer service line of a commercial, institutional, or industrial food service or processing establishment, including the solids resulting from de-watering processes.
Grease trap waste means the combined liquid and solid fractions of material accumulated in a tank or other device designed for the removal of grease, fat and oil from wastewater (for the purpose of these regulations petroleum products are excluded).
Grease trap waste means the water, solids, and semi-solid material removed from a grease trap or grease interceptor designed to remove cooking grease from home or restaurant wastewater in a sewer system. It does not include oil/water separator wastes at industrial facilities.
Examples of Grease trap waste in a sentence
Grease trap waste shall not be combined with septic tank waste and transported to the disposal site as part of a mixed load.
The record further establishes substantial reason to doubt that they will return tocompliance and avoid delinquencies in the future.
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 104, 327-335.Buss, Sarah and Lee Overton (Ed.).
Grease trap waste and sump waste may be placed in dewatering pits at a licensed landfill that have this capability.
Grease trap waste could be used in composting either in the form of liquid or in the form of solids after water is removed.
More Definitions of Grease trap waste
Grease trap waste means fats, oils, grease, and food residues generated from a food establishment that are captured in a device meant to prevent these materials from entering the sewer or septic system. It is also known as brown grease.
Grease trap waste means waste intercepted and held by grease traps.
Grease trap waste means any fats, oils, or greases of animal or vegetable origin, and solid wastes collected and intercepted by a grease trap for further disposal.
Grease trap waste means fats, proteins, carbohydrates, inert solids and wastewater collected from restaurant and food preparation facility grease traps.
Grease trap waste means floatable solids from restaurant wastewater that does not contact sanitary wastewater.
Grease trap waste means waste removed from grease interceptors, includingunder sink interceptors, at food service facilities.
Grease trap waste means the residue of food solids, fats and oils collected in grease traps and similar pre-treatment devices, prevented from discharge to the sewer and stored for collection, treatment and disposal