Examples of Group I Participant in a sentence
The TIF was floated to fund it, but TIF is a political issue so no one knows anything about it.-Focus Group I Participant Given this woeful lack of information on TIF, the focus group sessions conducted as part of this study were used to educate interested participants.
If you are a Group I Participant, when you leave, your monthly benefit from the Plan will be based on your years of Credited Service and your Final Average Earnings minus the Primary Social Security Benefit offset.
A safeguarding concern refers to concerns about the safety of a child or young person which is currently being managed and addressed through existing support systems.
However, on the Effective Date you will cease to be a Group I Participant and will become a Group II Participant in the CIC Plan by virtue of your ceasing to be a member of Amgen's Operating Committee.
If you attain eligibility as a Group I Participant, you will return to being eligible as a Group III or Group V participant when you re-retire.