Growing season definition

Growing season means the period from April 1 to November 15 of any calendar year.
Growing season means that period of time between the dates that the Park Development Inspector acknowledges the Construction Completion Certificate to: (a) June 30 of the following year; or (b) the date when, in the sole opinion of the Director, Parks, the irrigation system(s) are operating and the vegetation is in full leaf, whichever event occurs last;
Growing season means a period of consecutive frost-free days as stated in the current soil survey for the county. In an average year, a period commencing on April 1st and ending on October 31st.

Examples of Growing season in a sentence

  • Growing season burns generally occur between April 15 and August 15.

  • Growing season prescribed burning is planned for site preparation, control of undesirable species, and restoration of fire- dependent ecosystems.

  • Growing season (May through October) median TP concentrations for these 32 stream and river monitoring sites are listed in Table 6 and mapped in Figure 8 and Figure 9.Stream and river sample data show that TP concentrations are generally lower in the Wolf Basin compared to the Fox Basin.

  • Growing season (May through October) median TSS concentrations for these stream and river monitoring sites are listed in Table 8 and mapped in Figure 10 and Figure 11.Like phosphorus, elevated TSS concentrations in the Wolf Basin appear to occur more frequently in stream and rivers in the lower portion of the basin where agriculture and development are more prominent.

  • Growing season is defined on page 70 of the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Great Plains Region (Version 2.0)19.Wetland delineations conducted outside the early part of the growing season will include boundaries of areas that meet hydrology and hydric soil criteria.

More Definitions of Growing season

Growing season means the period of year when climatic conditions are favorable for plant growth, common to a place or area. The period between April 15 and October 15 is the normal growing season.
Growing season means the period of time between the last frost of spring and the first frost of autumn, when annual plants die and biennials and perennials cease active growth and become dormant. The growing season may be extended with the use of a greenhouse so long as the plants irrigated within the greenhouse continue active growth.
Growing season means the period during a one (1) year cycle, from the last killing frost in the spring to the first killing frost in the fall, in which climatic conditions are favorable for plant growth. In Kentucky, this period normally extends from mid-April to mid-October.
Growing season means the period of time from seedbed preparation through crop harvest.
Growing season means the period from April 1st to November 15th of any calendar year.
Growing season means for the purpose of completing landscaping requirement, May 1 to September 15 of the same calendar year.
Growing season means from spring (or in the case of a newly planted grape plant, the date of planting) to the end of the Crop Year inclusive;