Hand Washing. In accordance with Public Health Guidance, the District will provide opportunities for students and unit members to meet hand washing frequency guidance. All unit members must wash or sanitize their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after they enter worksites and periodically throughout the day. In addition, individuals should avoid touching their face (eyes, mouth, nose) with unwashed hands. When soap and water is not available, use hand sanitizer. All individuals should cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, with a tissue or into your elbow. The District will provide written instruction and signage on proper hand washing techniques.
Hand Washing. This is the single-most important way to prevent the spread of infection. Hands must always be washed at the following times. • Upon arrival for the day • Before eating or handling food • Before feeding a student • After diapering and toileting • After handling body fluids (mucus, blood, vomit, and after wiping noses, mouths, & sores) • After cleaning • Before and after giving medication • Before and after performing special health care procedures • Between contact with different students
Hand Washing. Upon entering Castle Rock, staff and clients will wash/sanitize their hands. Hand sanitizer will be located throughout Castle Rock for continued usage.
Hand Washing a. The District shall comply with the following hand washing logistical requirements:
i. Free standing hand sanitizer stations will be distributed throughout the building in key locations including, but not limited to, the lobby, entrances and each floor.
ii. Every room with a sink shall be stocked with soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content per CDC recommendations, and no touch paper towel dispensers.
iii. Every classroom shall be provided hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content;
iv. Non-classroom workspaces shall be provided hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content;
v. Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content or portable hand washing stations shall be provided at each ingress and egress point; and
vi. All hand washing/hand sanitizing supplies noted above or otherwise provided shall be checked and restocked immediately as needed and prior to the beginning of each day.
b. Students, employees, and visitors shall be required to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content upon entering district sites and every time a classroom or workspace is entered.
Hand Washing. Information on the availability of handwashing stations and hand sanitizer can be found in the 2021 COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist under section titled, “Healthy Hygiene Practices,” on pages 5-6. Classrooms that do not have handwashing stations will either have a handwashing station inside the classroom or directly outside of the classroom.
Hand Washing. Wash hands upon entering the Employer household. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty.
Hand Washing. Hands will be washed before meals, after bathroom use, and after nose blowing or wiping. Hand sanitizer is readily available for use by children and staff. Children will not accompany each other to the bathroom. Each child will have his/her own privacy, unless your child needs help from Our staff with wiping or cleaning and hand washing. Practice drills will be conducted a minimum of once a month. Evacuation procedures are posted on the walls next to exits. First aid will be administered to a child needing care. Each accident will be recorded on a report. Parents will be given a copy of this report and provider will keep a copy. Serious accidents will be reported to the Department of Social and Health Services. Children under three years old must have cloth hair ties because they are easily seen when pulled out and thrown on the floor. METAL CLIPS are NOT ALLOWED for safety reasons. Necklaces are NOT ALLOWED while in care at any age due to strangulation hazards. Corporal punishment or any acts of inflicting physical pain or bodily harm to any child is strictly prohibited by any person at any time on the premises. Corporal punishment includes, but is not limited to shaking, jerking, spanking, slapping, hitting, striking, biting, or kicking the child. Violations will be reported.
Hand Washing. A. The Parties recognize that frequent hand washing for a minimum of 20 seconds minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
B. All individuals shall be required to wash their hands or use medically effective hand sanitizer upon entering district sites and every time a classroom or shared workspace is entered.
C. The District shall comply with the following hand washing requirements:
1. Every room with a sink shall be stocked with soap, medically effective hand sanitizer, and touchless paper towel dispensers.
2. Every classroom shall be provided medically effective hand sanitizer.
3. Non-classroom workspaces and common spaces shall be provided medically effective hand sanitizer.
4. Hand sanitizer shall be provided at each ingress and egress point on a school campus.
D. All hand washing/hand sanitizťng supplies noted above or otherwise provided shall be checked and promptly restocked as needed and prior to the beginning of each day that staff or students are on campus.
E. Unťt members not working ťn classrooms but who must interact with the public shall have a barrier, such as an acrylťc shield, between their workstatťon and the public.
Hand Washing. This is the single-most important way to prevent the spread of infection. Hands must always be washed at the following times. Upon arrival for the day Before eating or handling food Before feeding a student After diapering and toileting After handling body fluids (mucus, blood, vomit, and after wiping noses, mouths, & sores) After cleaning Before and after giving medication Before and after performing special health care procedures Between contact with different students Treat all blood and body fluids as if they are infectious. Assure that soap, running water, paper towels, gloves, and proper disinfecting solutions are available in the health office. Wear latex gloves at all times including the following situations: When school personnel come in direct contact with blood or body fluids that may contain blood (i.e., bloody noses, loose teeth, bloody wounds, vomit, stool, etc.). When breaks in the skin (scrapes, cuts) are present on school personnel’s hands and the person comes in direct contact with blood or body fluids. Wash hands even after gloves have been worn. Wipe up a spill of blood or body fluids with a paper towel and dispose of material in the trash. Wear gloves! Double bag the trash or place the bloody material in a zip-lock bag and dispose immediately. Clean and disinfect the area with an approved disinfectant or a bleach solution (one part liquid bleach to 10 parts water). Send all soiled clothing (i.e., clothing with blood, stool, or vomit) home with the student in a double- bagged plastic bag. Do not attempt to clean or rinse clothing in the toilet. Instruct parents to clean and disinfect the clothing. Avoid contact with body fluids Encourage students to care for their own wounds as much as possible Wear latex gloves while providing first aid Wash hands after providing care to a student Assure that first aid supplies are available Advise staff supervising the playground to carry a pack which contain gloves and first aid supplies to treat bloody injuries before the student arrives in the health office Do not eat or touch your mouth or eyes while giving first aid Remind students to wash hands after coming in contact with their own blood or body secretions Remind students to avoid direct contact with another person’s blood or body secretions The District is committed to a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is recognized as a form of sex discrimination and thus a violatio...
Hand Washing. 2.1 Hands must be scrupulously clean at all times during food preparation and service
2.2 A wash hand basin is available in every kitchen
2.3 Do not wash hands in food preparation or washing up sinks
2.4 Wash basins are for hand washing only