HAND HYGIENE Sample Clauses
HAND HYGIENE. PERFORMANCE METRICS AND MEASUREMENT Protocols promoting hand hygiene shall be wholly adopted. QC checks will be used to ensure 100% adoption. PRACTICES TO OPTIMIZE HAND HYGIENE ▪ All restroom facilities, including those in guest rooms, public areas and back-of-house spaces shall include appropriate hand soaps. (See Section 5.) ▪ Hand-hygiene notices will be placed in all employee rest rooms. ▪ Alcohol-based waterless hand sanitizer dispenser will be placed in main entrances to the building and main access corridors.
HAND HYGIENE. In accordance with CDPH and Cal/OSHA guidance and in consultation with local public health officials, the District will provide opportunities for students and employees to meet hand hygiene frequency guidance. The District will ensure sufficient access to hand washing and sanitizer stations. The District will ensure hand sanitizer (with a minimum of 60 percent alcohol) is available at or near all workstations.
HAND HYGIENE. 9.01 The Parties recognize that frequent hand washing for a minimum of 20 seconds minimizes the spread of COVID-19.
9.02 All individuals shall be encouraged to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering district sites and every time a classroom is entered.
HAND HYGIENE. In the Event that a Learner/Visitor to CEEDS is unable to use our hand sanitizing gel due to an allergy etc., they must make a CEEDS Member of staff aware. Staff will then direct the Learner/Visitor to an area where they may wash their hands. A breach of regulations constituting unacceptable practice may be detected during invigilated examinations. Where such a breach is suspected, the Exam Supervisor will prepare a report for the CEEDS Training Manager or Centre Supervisor. All eCollege Examination incidents will be reported to an eCollege Manager or an eCollege Official. eCollege will advise of further action to be taken. CEEDS is committed to the delivery of a quality service to all our customers and service users. All CEEDS service Users who wish to submit a complaint must follow our Service Users’ Complaint Policy and Procedure Document. Examination Results/ECDL or MOS/Certiport Examinations are managed on an automated online system, which are operated by ICS or Certiport. Examination results are usually made available online once an Exam has been completed. CEEDS has no control over Examination results or the testing systems. If a Candidate fails an Exam and wishes to re-sit their Examination at CEEDS then they must first contact their eCollege Tutor who will advise of them of further instructions.
HAND HYGIENE. SRCS will reinforce the importance of washing hands, avoiding contact with one’s eyes, nose, and mouth, and covering coughs and sneezes among students and staff. The District shall comply with the following hand washing logistical requirements:
a. Every room with a sink shall be stocked with soap, hand sanitizer, and paper towels.
b. Every classroom shall be provided hand sanitizer.
c. Non-classroom work-areas and office areas shall be provided hand sanitizer.
d. All hand washing/hand sanitizing supplies noted above or otherwise provided shall be checked and restocked / refilled as soon as possible based on a teacher’s notification to the front office that supply is running low. All sanitizers will be checked and refilled as needed nightly.
e. SRCS will ensure adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors, including soap tissues, no-touch trash cans, face coverings and hand sanitizers with at least 60 percent ethyl alcohol for staff and children who can safely use hand sanitizer.
HAND HYGIENE. For hand hygiene, eleven tools were designed and developed under the World Health Organization (WHO). While researching these tools, numerous organizations referenced WHO resources as the primary intervention for hand hygiene. Organizations such as APIC referenced and applied WHO resources into their recommendation guide. Out of the eleven hand hygiene tool resources, Hand Hygiene Technical Reference Manual: Observation Form met all the indicators. This manual provides comprehensive information on the concepts of hand hygiene and interventions to prevent the spread of micro-organisms [59]. This resource includes the WHO “5 Moments for Hand Hygiene” and how to perform hand hygiene observations [59]. It is used to facilitate training, education sessions, and supports evaluation and feedback post observation [59]. The observation session may be performed at or less than ten minutes depending on the observed activity [59]. It is the instructor’s responsibility to document hand hygiene if it was performed or missed [59]. The main goal for this resource is to improve hand hygiene practices, utilize hand hygiene resources, and promote saving lives [59]. In the manual, it provides an observation form that allows observers to evaluate healthcare workers while they are delivering healthcare activities to patients [59]. Hand Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework 2010 met nine indicators and was placed second in the top rating. Although the Hand Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework 2010 had moderate score on rapidness, the framework could be performed as a baseline, situational assessment [60]. The tool is used to evaluate the current condition for gaps and which areas require attention or improvement [60]. Although the five recommendation guides (except APIC) provided external tools and strategies to improve monitoring and evaluation, these resources did not provide their own tool, scoring metrics, nor interpretation. Due to these guides providing various tools, the level of rapidness could not be collectively assessed. The tool guide also includes four hand hygiene surveys that focus on baseline knowledge, staff performance, and supply stock. Although these tools provide routine evaluation and promote sustainability for our target hospitals, these tools focus on subjective and compliance entries which are not quantifiably measured. Federal Ministry of Health (MoH) Ethiopia. Although there were no tools that scored a twelve nor met all of indicators, Infection Prevention an...
HAND HYGIENE. A general term referring to any action of hand cleaning. Hand hygiene relates to the removal of visible soil and removal or killing of transient microorganisms from the hands. Hand hygiene may be accomplished using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and running water. Hand hygiene includes surgical hand antisepsis.
HAND HYGIENE. The district shall provide hand washing or sanitizing supplies for students and staff. No employee shall be required to supervise students of the opposite gender from the employee’s identified gender inside bathrooms or inside locker rooms while hand washing, with the exception of staff supporting special education students with personal care routines.
HAND HYGIENE. PRACTICES TO OPTIMIZE HAND HYGIENE ▪ All restroom facilities, including those in guest rooms, public areas and back-of-house spaces should include appropriate hand soaps. (See Section 5.) ▪ Per regulations, hand-hygiene notices will be placed in all employee rest rooms.
HAND HYGIENE a. Students will keep a small/travel-sized bottle of hand sanitizer at their desks, provided and replenished by family as needed, for personal use. Use will be encouraged after touching masks for removing/replacing, after sneezing, after touching commonly used surfaces, etc.
b. Sanitizer stations will be located at the front and side school entrance, as well as the gymnasium entrance.
c. Multiple scheduled opportunities for soap-and-water hand-washing - before and after recess, PE, and lunch - will be staggered by class with 2-3 students dismissed at a time to limit crowding in the bathrooms. Physical Distancing & Movement Logistics