HARVEST METHOD. Harvesting activities are estimated to be 66 percent cable and 34 percent ground based harvest. Cable and cable-tethered equipment allowed on all slopes. Non-tethered self- leveling equipment limited to sustained slopes of 55 percent or less, all other ground based equipment limited to tracked equipment and 6-wheeled rubber tired skidders with over-the-tire tracks spanning both sets of rear tires on sustained slopes that are 45 percent or less. Yarding may be restricted during wet weather if rutting becomes excessive, per clause H-017.
HARVEST METHOD. Harvesting activities are estimated to be 100 percent ground based harvest. Cable- tethered equipment limited to sustained slopes of 55 percent or less. Ground based equipment is limited to tracked equipment, with non-tethered self-leveling equipment limited to sustained slopes 55 percent or less, all other tracked equipment limited to sustained slopes of 45 percent or less. Use of tracked skidders shall be allowed for pole yarding only on sustained slopes that are 45 percent and less. Yarding may be restricted during wet weather if rutting becomes excessive, per clause H-017. ROADS: 8.00 stations of required construction. 34.94 stations of optional construction. 21.69 stations of optional reconstruction. 253.82 stations of required prehaul maintenance.
HARVEST METHOD. Cable OR tethered equipment; tracked skidder on sustained slopes 25% or less; shovel or forwarder on sustained slopes 35% or less; a self-leveling shovel and/or self-leveling harvester/xxxxxx-xxxxxxx (See H-141 for restrictions) may operate on sustained slopes up to 50%. Falling and Yarding will not be permitted from November 1 to March 31 unless authorized in writing by the Contract Administrator (THIS PERTAINS TO GROUND- BASED EQUIPMENT ONLY) to reduce soil damage and erosion. ROADS: 23.52 stations of required construction. 110.11 stations of required reconstruction. 11.37 stations of optional construction. 14.96 stations of optional reconstruction. 52.91 ACREAGE DETERMINATION CRUISE METHOD: Acres determined by GPS traverse. Cruise was conducted via variable plot sample type. See Cruise Narrative for further details. Shapefiles of units are available upon request. FEES: 1. Purchaser shall furnish the State with a check made payable to Weyerhaeuser Columbia Timberlands, LLC in the amount of $500.00 on the day of sale for permit #55- 094003, for road use.
Examples of HARVEST METHOD in a sentence
HARVEST METHOD: Shovel in areas outside of approved designated skid trails; and shovel, forwarder or tracked skidder on approved designated skid trails, but in the WMZ thinning area of Unit 3, equipment will be limited to shovels operating on designated skid trails.
HARVEST METHOD: Ground based equipment, Rubber tired skidder, Track skidder and Dozer.
CP6.41# - HARVEST METHOD (04/2003) The following harvest methods will be used for products designated for cutting and removing on Page 1, and/or Special Provision CP2.3#.
More Definitions of HARVEST METHOD
HARVEST METHOD. 100 percent tracked ground based equipment limited to sustained slopes of 45 percent or less. Yarding may be restricted during wet weather if rutting becomes excessive, per clause H-017. ROADS: 7.90 stations of required reconstruction. 36.27 stations of optional construction. 138.39 stations of required pre-haul maintenance. 36.27 stations of required abandonment, if built. Purchaser maintenance on the 0000-0, 0000-0 Xxx, and 5210-2 roads. Designated maintenance on all other roads used. ACREAGE DETERMINATION FEES: $39,355.00 is due on day of sale. $9.00 per MBF is due upon removal. These are in addition to the bid price. SPECIAL REMARKS: Units #4 and #5 are Wetland Management Zone (WMZ) thinning units and Unit #6 is a Riparian Management Zone (RMZ) thinning unit. Take trees have been 100% marked with one band of pink paint. Trees within Unit #6 that are marked with two bands of red paint and a "S" and one band of red paint and a "D" are not to be removed. These are trees identified for snags or down wood to be created by DNR. T I M B E R S A LE MAP S A L E N AME: A G R E E M ENT #: T O W N S H IP(S): T R U S T (S): R E G I ON: C O U N T Y(S): E L E VAT I ON RGE: RMZ U6 6 ac
HARVEST METHOD. Harvesting activities are estimated to be 70 percent cable and 30 percent ground based harvest. Cable and cable-tethered equipment allowed on all slopes. Ground based equipment is limited to tracked equipment, with non-tethered self-leveling equipment limited to sustained slopes of 55 percent or less, all other tracked equipment limited to sustained slopes that are 45 percent or less. Rubber tired skidders not allowed, except 6- wheeled rubber tired skidders with over-the-tire tracks spanning both sets of rear tires are allowed on sustained slopes that are 45 percent or less. Yarding may be restricted during wet weather if rutting becomes excessive, per clause H-017. ROADS: Road work on this sale only includes optional landing construction. Purchaser maintenance on the B-8300, B-8400, B-8430, B-8431, B-8450, B-8470, and B-8471 ACREAGE DETERMINATION CRUISE METHOD: Acreage was determined by traversing boundaries by GPS in all units. GPS data files are available at DNR's website for timber sale auction packets. See cruise narrative for cruise method. FEES: $23,579.00 is due on day of sale. $9.00 per MBF is due upon removal. These are in addition to the bid price.
HARVEST METHOD. Harvesting activities are estimated to be 30 percent cable, and 70 percent ground based harvest. Cable, ground based, and tethered equipment with cable-tethered equipment limited to sustained slopes 70 percent or less, non-tethered self-leveling equipment limited to sustained slopes 65 percent or less, and ground based equipment limited to sustained slopes 45 percent or less, with tracked skidders allowed for pole removal only on sustained slopes that are 45 percent or less, and rubber tired skidders allowed to yard ROADS: 4.14 stations of required construction. 24.40 stations of optional construction. 5.23 stations of optional reconstruction. 432.36 stations of required prehaul maintenance. 3.66 stations of abandonment, if constructed. 5.23 stations of abandonment, if reconstructed. Purchaser maintenance on the D-4030, D-4030 Ext., X-0000, X-0000, D-4305.1, D-4400, X-0000, X-0000, D-8000.1, D-8100, and D-8300 roads. Designated maintenance on all other roads used. ACREAGE DETERMINATION FEES: $136,833.00 is due on day of sale. $9.00 per MBF is due upon removal. These are in addition to the bid price.
HARVEST METHOD. Cable OR tethered equipment (as approved in writing by the Contract Administrator); cable or shovel on sustained slopes 35% or less. A self-leveling shovel and/or self- leveling harvester may operate on sustained slopes up to 50%, with prior approval from the Contract Administrator. Falling and Yarding will not be permitted from November 1 to March 31 unless authorized in writing by the Contract Administrator (THIS PERTAINS TO GROUND-BASED EQUIPMENT ONLY) to reduce soil damage and erosion. ROADS: 87.42 stations of required construction. 45.20 stations of optional construction. 10.34 stations of road to be abandoned if built. 312.97 stations of required/optional pre-haul maintenance. ACREAGE DETERMINATION CRUISE METHOD: Acres determined by GPS traverse. 114.3 acres gross. 4.4 acres deducted for green tree retention clumps and 2.6 acres deducted for existing roads. 107.3 acres net. Cruised using variable plot method. Expansion factor used is 40.00 and 54.45. Sighting height is 4.5 feet. A total of 71 plots were taken. FEES: $45,777.25 is due on day of sale. $9.00 per MBF is due upon removal. These are in addition to the bid price. SPECIAL REMARKS: 1. Within the S-1100 rock pit, no explosives may be used within the 0.5 miles of the Bear Creek, Maple Falls and Hatchery Creek Communal Eagle Roost sites from November 15 to March 15.
HARVEST METHOD. Harvesting activities are estimated to be 65 percent uphill cable, and 35 percent ground based harvest. Forest products sold under this contract shall be harvested and removed using cable or tracked ground-based equipment, with tracked ground-based equipment that is non self-leveling or non-tethered limited to sustained slopes of 45 percent or less. Non-tethered self-leveling equipment shall be limited to sustained slopes of 55 percent and less and cable-tethered equipment shall be limited to sustained slopes of 70 percent and less. Use of tracked skidders shall be allowed for pole yarding only on sustained ROADS: 19.58 stations of required construction. 24.98 stations of optional construction. 46.34 stations of optional reconstruction. 916.95 stations of required prehaul maintenance. 6.54 stations of abandonment, if constructed. 16.76 stations of decommissioning, if reconstructed. Purchaser maintenance on the C-3088, C-3089, C-3100, C-3130, C-3160, C-3300, and C-3600 roads. Designated maintenance on all other roads used. ACREAGE DETERMINATION FEES: $120,452.00 is due on day of sale. $9.00 per MBF is due upon removal. These are in addition to the bid price.
HARVEST METHOD. Cable; cable or shovel on sustained slopes 40% or less. ROADS: 23.17 stations of required construction. 18.66 stations of required reconstruction. 32.26 stations of optional construction. 32.26 stations of road to be abandoned if built. 286.47 stations of required pre-haul maintenance ACREAGE DETERMINATION CRUISE METHOD: Acres determined by GPS traverse. Cruise was conducted via variable plot sample type. See Cruise Narrative for further details. Shapefiles of units are available upon request. FEES: $85,306.50 is due on day of sale. $9.00 per MBF is due upon removal. These are in addition to the bid price. SPECIAL REMARKS: None. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT
HARVEST METHOD. Shovel, Cable, Track skidder, and Cable-Assist. This sale is estimated to be 60% cable, cable-assist based harvest systems and 40% ground based harvesting systems. Ground based harvesting is restricted to sustained slopes of 40% or less. Cable assisted equipment is restricted to sustained slopes of 75% or less. See clause H-140 for further harvest requirements.