Riparian management zone definition

Riparian management zone means an area established along the outer boundary of freshwater and marine riparian habitat areas, as specified in this title. Uses and activities within riparian management zones shall be conducted in a manner and/or restricted as necessary to minimize adverse impacts to riparian, freshwater and/or marine habitat.
Riparian management zone means riparian management zone as
Riparian management zone means an area described under Division 3 [Riparian Areas] of Part 4 [Practice Requirements], that

Examples of Riparian management zone in a sentence

  • Riparian management zone width(s) may vary based on ecological or geomorphic factors or type of water body; and will apply unless replaced by a site-specific delineation of the ripar- ian area.

  • Riparian management zone width(s) may vary based on ecological or geomorphic factors or type of water body; and will apply unless replaced by a site-specific delineation of the riparian area.

  • We were interested to note that MPS’s 9th grade Speech(007) was one of the courses that mapped into the requirements for the awarding of the Associate’s Degree from Metro.

  • Riparian management zone requirements establish requirements that must be met over the stream length or water body perimeter.Riparian reserves zone buffers will be identified as per Forest Practice Code guidelines with which current defaults of the FPPR are generally consistent.

  • Riparian management zone requirements establish requirements that must be met over the stream length or water body perimeter.Riparian reserves zone buffers were identified as per Forest Practice Code guidelines with which current defaults of the FPPR are generally consistent.

More Definitions of Riparian management zone

Riparian management zone means a specified area alongside natural waters and wetlands where specific measures are required to protect water quality and riparian function.
Riparian management zone or “RMZ” means land and vegetations areas next to lakes and streams where management practices are modified to protect water quality, fish and other aquatic resources. These areas are complex ecosystems that provide food, habitat, and movement corridors for aquatic (water) and terrestrial (land) communities as well as helping to minimize nonpoint sources pollution impacts to surface water.
Riparian management zone means that portion of the riparian management area that is outside of any riparian reserve zone or if there is no riparian reserve zone, that area located adjacent to a stream, wetland or lake of a width determined in accordance with Part 8;
Riparian management zone means a delineable area measured outward in each direction, on the horizontal plane from the floodway; if a floodway has not been determined then the measurement is from the top of the bank, based on the site-potential tree height used to protect riparian ecosystems.
Riparian management zone means riparian management zone as defined in Riparian Ecosystems Volume 2 published December 2020 by the department.
Riparian management zone means a specified area alongside Type 1, 2 and 3 Waters where specific measures are taken to protect water quality and fish and wildlife habitat.
Riparian management zone means the area that is contiguous to any riparian reserve zone or if there is no riparian reserve zone, that area located contiguous to a stream, wetland or lake, of a width determined in accordance with Part 7;