Examples of Hazardous locations in a sentence
Safety hazards associated with welding operations include: • Fire• Proximity to combustible materials• Hazardous locations (rooms containing flammable or combustible vapors)• Closed containers that have held flammable liquids or other combustibles• Electric shock (arc welding)• Infrared and ultraviolet eye damage APPENDIX A – presents precautions that should be followed to minimize, control, or eliminate these safety hazards.
When upgrading electronically parts inside a PMV positioner approved for installation in Hazardous locations special procedures apply, permission from PMV is required prior to the start of work.
These locations are classified as Hazardous locations described in the National Electrical Code® (NEC®)1.
Hazardous locations such as machine shops and other areas with potential for unusual hazards also fall under the purview of this policy.
In addition to location, cost, and availability, the site selection must consider other potential risks, including:• Vandalism, terrorism, and intrusion.• Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, landslides, etc.• Fire and explosions• Hazardous locations or materials• Flooding from natural sources or water mains.• Ground and air pollution• Rodents and insectsThe entire site and ancillary structures on the site should be a minimum of 5 feet above and 100 feet away from any 100- year floodplain area.
Participants discussed the linkages and synergies of policy tools such as transport and economic corridors, and industrial parks as tool to foster inclusive and sustainable industrialization in the region.
Wh e r e elev a t ed pl a t fo r m s ar e u sed r o u t i n el y o n a d a il y b a sis t h e y s ha ll be eq u ipped wi t h s t a i r - w ay s o r fixed l a dde r s i n a cco r d an ce wi t h § 1910.27.( vi) Hazardous locations.
Hazardous locations or features on existing roadways may or may not be HALs. Many locations with narrow bridges, slippery pavement, rigid roadside obstacles or other potentially hazardous conditions have crash potential but may not yet have a crash history.
Hazardous locations are those areas where a potential for explosion and fire exists due to the presence of flammable gasses, vapors, dust or easily ignitable fibers and include such places as refineries, petro-chemical plants, grain elevators and processing areas.
The total costs from mental health problems to the Canadian economy exceeds $50 billion annually.