Examples of HCPCS code in a sentence
For impact purposes, the surgical procedures on the ASC list of covered procedures are aggregated into surgical specialty groups using CPT and HCPCS code range definitions.
The inclusion of a code does not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claim payment, nor does the exclusion of a code imply that its association to the HCPCS code is inappropriate.
The OPPS APC payment status indicators show whether a service represented by a CPT or HCPCS code is payable under an OPPS APC or under another payment system and whether particular OPPS policies apply to the code.
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If a manufacturer is interested in having a CAD included on the Texas Medicaid Vendor Drug Program (VDP) formulary list it is necessary to contact VDP for an application.If a HCPCS code that already is a benefit of Texas Medicaid has a new NDC that needs to be added to the Texas NDC-to-HCPCs crosswalk, contact the Texas Medicaid Vendor Drug Program.