Health Insurance Programs. For the duration of this agreement, the health insurance programs established under the current SEBAC agreement will be available to bargaining unit members as specified both by the SEBAC agreement itself and as expressed in this collective bargaining agreement.
Health Insurance Programs. A. Medical Insurance The medical insurance provision for employees is set forth in an Umbrella Agreement that covers City bargaining units represented by the Coalition, which is comprised of the following recognized employee organizations: Administrative Team Associates (ATA), Management Team Association (MTA), Supervisory Team Association (STA), Public Attorneys Union (PAU), Public Attorneys’ Legal Support Staff Union (PALSSU), Municipal Employees Association (MEA), SMART-TD, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 911 (Teamsters), members of the Executive Pay Plan (EPP), and members of the Confidential Unrepresented Employees Pay Plan (CUE).
B. Dental Insurance Dental insurance coverage shall be provided at no cost to employees and their eligible dependents, provided that employees participate in the City- offered dental insurance programs.
C. Vision Insurance The City will provide vision care insurance, at no cost, to employees. The City retains the right to select the provider and to set the levels of coverage for said vision care insurance plan. The City also retains the right to change the provider of said vision insurance plan or the level of benefits provided under that plan without meeting and conferring.
Health Insurance Programs. Effective August 1, 2012, for all full-time teachers who are covered by the District's medical-surgical programs (or who request and are eligible to be covered in the thirty-day period prior to September 1), such teachers shall pay the following percentage per month for the premium cost of the coverage option selected: PPO350 2012-13 Monthly Rate Effective September 1 District Share District % Paid Employee Share Employee % Paid Employee $698.71 $628.63 89.97% $70.08 10.03% Employee +1 $1,379.23 $916.91 66.48% $462.32 33.52% Family $1,975.28 $1,199.19 60.71% $776.09 39.29% HMO 2012-13 Monthly Rate Effective September 1 District Share District % Paid Employee Share Employee % Paid Employee Employee +1 Family $467.11 $922.09 $1,320.54 $447.68 95.84% $19.43 4.16% $626.65 67.96% $295.44 32.04% $835.11 63.24% $485.43 36.76% PPO HDHP 2012-13 Monthly Rate Effective September 1 District Share District % Paid Employee Share Employee % Paid Employee $620.13 $600.84 96.89% $19.29 3.11% Employee +1 $1,224.12 $877.82 71.71% $346.30 28.29% Family $1,753.14 $1,169.70 66.72% $583.44 33.28% PPO1200 (Coverage effective January 1, 2013) 2012-13 Monthly Rate Effective September 1 District Share District % Paid Employee Share Employee % Paid Employee $513.43 $497.46 96.89% $15.97 3.11% Employee +1 $1,013.46 $866.91 85.54% $146.55 14.46% Family $1,451.44 $1,139.24 78.49% $312.20 21.51% The above amounts represent the teacher’s monthly share of the premium for the first year of the Agreement. Rates for each future year will be increased by the lesser of (1) the total rate of increase for premiums as calculated by the insurance provider, or (2) ten percent (10%).
Health Insurance Programs. A. Medical Insurance The medical insurance provision for employees covered hereunder is set forth in the Umbrella Agreement that covers the following non-sworn City bargaining units represented by the Coalition that are represented by the following recognized employee organizations: Administrative Team Associates (ATA), Management Team Associates (MTA), Supervisory Team Associates (STA), Public Attorneys Union (PAU), Public Attorneys’ Legal Support Staff Union (PALSSU), Municipal Employees Association (MEA), International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 911 (Teamsters), the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers – Transportation Division Local 1785 (SMART-TD), and members of the Executive Pay Plan (EPP).
B. Dental Insurance Dental insurance coverage shall be provided at no cost to the employees and their eligible dependents, provided that employees participate in the City-offered dental insurance programs.
C. Vision Insurance The City will provide vision care insurance, at no cost, to employees and their eligible dependents. The City retains the right to select the provider and to set the levels of coverage for said vision care insurance plan. The City also retains the right to change the provider of said vision insurance plan and/or the level of benefits provided under that plan without meeting and conferring.
Health Insurance Programs. A. Medical Insurance The medical insurance provision for employees is set forth in an umbrella agreement that covers City bargaining units represented by the Coalition, which is comprised of the following City bargaining units: Administrative Team Associates (ATA), International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 911 (Teamsters), Management Team Associates (MTA), Supervisory Team Associates (STA), Public Attorneys Union (PAU), Public Attorneys’ Legal Support Staff Union (PALSSU), Municipal Employees Association (MEA), SMART-TD, and members of the Executive Pay Plan (EPP).
B. Dental Insurance Dental insurance coverage shall be provided at no cost to employees and their eligible dependents provided that employees covered herein participate in the City-offered dental insurance programs. The City retains the right to change the provider of this benefit.
C. Vision Insurance The City agrees to provide vision care insurance, at no cost, to employees. The City retains the right to select the provider and to set the levels of coverage for said vision care insurance plan. The City also retains the right to change the provider of said vision insurance plan and/or the level of benefits provided under that plan without meeting and conferring.
Health Insurance Programs. A. Medical Insurance The medical insurance provision for employees is set forth in an umbrella agreement that covers the following non-sworn City bargaining units represented by the Coalition: Administrative Team Associates (ATA), Fire Executive Management Association (FEMA), Management Team Associates (MTA), Municipal Employees Association (MEA), Public Attorneys Union (PAU), Public Attorneys’ Legal Support Staff Union (PALSSU), International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, Transportation Division, Local 1785 (SMART-TD), Supervisory Team Associates (STA), California Teamsters Local 911 (Teamsters), members of the Executive Pay Plan (EPP), and members of the Confidential Unrepresented Employees (CUE).
B. Dental Insurance Dental insurance coverage shall be provided at no cost to employees and their eligible dependents provided that employees participate in the City-offered dental insurance programs. The City retains the right to change the provider of this benefit.
C. Vision Insurance The City agrees to provide vision care insurance, at no cost, to employees and their eligible dependents provided that employees participate in the City-offered vision insurance program. The City retains the right to select the provider and to set the levels of coverage for said vision care insurance plan. The City also retains the right to change the provider of said vision insurance plan and/or the level of benefits provided under that plan without meeting and conferring.
Health Insurance Programs. Effective September 1, 2016, for all full-time teachers who are covered by the District's medical-surgical programs (or who request and are eligible to be covered in the thirty-day period prior to September 1), such teachers shall pay the following percentage per month for the premium cost of the coverage option selected: 2016- 2017 % Monthly DISTRICT PPO 350 Emp $868.50 89.97% $781.39 10.03% Emp + 1 $1,714.39 66.48% $1,139.73 33.52% Family $2,455.28 60.71% $1,490.60 39.29% HMO Emp $524.92 95.84% $503.08 4.16% Emp + 1 $1,036.22 67.96% $704.22 32.04% Family $1,483.99 63.24% $938.48 36.76% HDHP 1300 Emp $679.52 97.00% $659.13 3.00% Emp + 1 $1,341.37 78.00% $1,046.27 22.00% Family $1,921.06 72.00% $1,383.16 28.00% PPO 1200 Emp $638.02 96.90% $618.24 3.10% Emp + 1 $1,259.75 85.50% $1,077.09 14.50% Family $1,804.15 78.50% $1,416.26 21.50% PPO 750 Emp $720.91 97.00% $ 699.28 3.00% Emp + 1 $1,423.04 76.00% $ 1,081.51 24.00% Family $2,038.02 69.00% $ 1,406.23 31.00% NIHIP PPO 350 Emp $827.68 90.00% $ 744.91 10.00% Emp + 1 $1,633.80 67.00% $ 1,094.65 33.00% Family $2,339.87 61.00% $ 1,427.32 39.00% The above amounts represent the teacher’s monthly share of the premium for the first year of the Agreement. Rates for each future year will be increased by the lesser of (1) the total rate of increase for premiums as calculated by the insurance provider, or (2) ten percent (10%).
Health Insurance Programs. A. Medical Insurance The medical insurance provision for employees is set forth in an Umbrella Agreement between the City and the Coalition comprised of the following employee organizations that are recognized by the City to represent non-sworn City employees: Administrative Team Associates (ATA), AFSCME Local 4819 Management Team Associates (AFSCME), Municipal Employees Association (MEA), Public Attorneys Union (PAU), Public Attorneys’ Legal Support Staff Union (PALSSU), Supervisory Team Associates (STA), International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 911 (Teamsters), SMART-TD, members of the Executive Pay Plan (EPP), and members of the Confidential Unrepresented Employees Pay Plan (CUE). Upon written notification from AFSCME, the City shall establish a Post- Employment Health Plan (PEHP) for employees. There shall be no City-paid contributions into the PEHP. Contributions to said plan shall be made by AFSCME employees through payroll deduction. AFSCME shall notify the City as to the amount to be contributed by each AFSCME employee into the PEHP.
B. Dental Insurance Dental insurance coverage shall be provided at no cost to the employees and their eligible dependents, provided that employees participate in the City-offered dental insurance programs. The City retains the right to change the provider of this benefit.
C. Vision Insurance The City agrees to continue to provide vision care insurance, at no cost, to employees and their eligible dependents, provided that employees participate in the City-offered vision insurance plan. The City retains the right to select the provider and to set the levels of coverage for said vision care insurance plan. The City also retains the right to change the provider of said vision insurance plan and/or the level of benefits provided under that plan without meeting and conferring.
Health Insurance Programs. 1. The Board shall provide its current single and family health insurance coverage of all employees who work four or more hours for hospitalization, major medical, dental and eye care insurance coverage. Four (4) insurance coverage plans [i.e., level/extent of benefits for medical and prescription]—Plan 1, Plan 2, Plan 3 and Bronze Plan will be offered, and each full-time eligible bargaining unit member will select the Plan of his or her choice, determined by the level and extent of insurance coverage benefits desired. Participants in the District’s health insurance plans shall contribute premium costs as follows: Plan 1: $93.96/month for single or $238.94/month for family; Plan 2: $114.30/month for single or $290.78/month for family; Plan 3: $216.30/month for single or $550.82/month for family. Bronze: $5.00/month for single or $10.00/month family Effective July 1, 2019: In the event the Board is given or takes a premium holiday, the holiday shall be extended, in the same month, to all participating bargaining unit members. Insurance rates are effective September 1, 2018 and shall be changed each succeeding July 1st.
2. Under these plans, dependents will be covered according to Federal and State guidelines. The Board shall not be obligated to provide insurance for a dependent if the bargaining unit member desiring such coverage fails to provide the Treasurer with a written application or reasonable information requested by the Treasurer to establish the eligibility of dependents.
3. The Board shall have the right to select whatever carrier it chooses to provide its insurance programs; however, the selected PPO plan will not be changed during the life of this Negotiated Agreement.
Health Insurance Programs. A. Medical Insurance The City shall continue to contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) to make available to employees and their dependents, and to eligible retirees and their dependents, the health insurance benefits available under the Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA), as set forth in Government Code Section 22751 et seq. (hereinafter referred to as the “CalPERS Program”). Each employee desiring to be covered hereunder may participate, on a pre- tax basis, in an Internal Revenue Code Section 125 plan. The City shall contribute toward the payment of premiums under the CalPERS Program on behalf of each eligible employee and, to the extent required by law, each eligible retiree annuitant, the minimum monthly amount required by CalPERS, which is currently $128. In addition, effective July 1, 2017, each month the City shall make contributions on behalf of eligible employees toward a cafeteria plan. The amount of the City cafeteria plan contribution for each eligible employee will be based on the employee’s actual medical insurance premium, not to exceed the premium for the level of coverage (e.g., employee only, employee plus one dependent, or family) under the CalPERS Program plan selected by the employee, and shall be the difference between (a) the amounts set forth in the next paragraph and (b) the minimum monthly amount required by CalPERS specified in the preceding paragraph. The amount to be inserted in (a) of the preceding paragraph shall equal 89% of the actual medical insurance premium for the coverage selected by the employee, not to exceed the premium for the level of coverage (e.g. employee only, employee plus one dependent, or family) under the CalPERS Program selected by the employee, plus 89% of any future premium increases that are 15% or less per annum. Each eligible employee has the right to elect medical coverage from those available under PEMHCA. The portion of the premium for which the employee is obligated to pay may be paid through one of the following two arrangements selected by SMPOA: (a) payment to first be made from the employee’s 125 Plan account, or (b) direct payment by SMPOA. SMPOA may also, upon written notification to the City and concurrence by the City, select an arrangement other than the two arrangements listed as (a) and