Examples of High wage in a sentence
High wage floorsWelfare payments and minimum wages in many countries are based on a breadwinner having to care for a dependent adult and young children.
High wage costs The wage costs of colonial states were high, mainly because of the high emoluments and bonuses paid to European civil servants.
Margolis, High wage workers and high wage rms, Econo- metrica, vol.
Party 5financing is subject to some degree of independent monitoring but monitoring 4either proves regularly ineffective or proportionate sanctions in case of 3infringement do not follow.The rules for party and campaign financing do not effectively enforce the 2obligation to make the donations public.
Selain itu, PKWT tersebut juga tidak memenuhi syarat PKWT sebagaimana dimaksud Pasal 59 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan juncto Pasal 3, Pasal 4 dan Pasal 5 Kepmenakertrans Republik Indonesia Nomor 100/MEN/VI/2004 tentang Ketentuan Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu, hal ini disebabkan sifat, jenis dan kegiatan pekerjaan jasa pengadaan pompa pada aktivitas pertambangan batu bara di PT.
Mail this Form RPD-41288, Application for High wage Jobs Tax Credit, the CD containing Form RPD-41376, High wage Job Detail Report, and all of the supporting documentation to: Taxation and Revenue Department, Director's Office, P.
High wage offers relative to the reservation wage or low reservation wages relative to wage offers imply high exit rates from unemployment if the probability of exit from unemployment is assumed to be given by the product of the likelihood of accepting a job offer and acceptance probability.
Approved by:Title:Telephone number: Date: High wage jobs tax credit amount approved: $ Claim number: House Bill 641 was passed during the 2013 legislative ses- sion, which modified the provisions of the high wage jobs tax credit.
High wage floors increase the risk of disemployment because there will be less demand for labour.
SEBI7 is misplaced as decisions in the said matters are distinguishable on facts.