Examples of Highest Degree in a sentence
Code to the Highest Degree of SpecificityProviders who must select ICD-10 diagnosis codes should use codes that provide the highest degree of accuracy and completeness, or the greatest specificity.
Principal Investigator(s): (Name) (Highest Degree Earned) (Department) 3.
Highest Degree Earned: Doctorate Master Bachelor AssociateDiploma/Certificate 10.
College/Division: Department: Name: Highest Degree Earned: Year: Appointment Year: Appointment Rank: Present Rank:Year First Promotion: Year Second Promotion: Total Years at VSU: Years in Present Rank: Next Scheduled Personnel Action:Eligibility Date:FACULTY ANNUAL EVALUATION After reading the faculty member’s Faculty Activity Report and Action Plan, department/unit heads will complete this annual evaluation.
Table 3 illustrates the number of participants reporting the Master’s in Nursing or Ph.D. in nursing or education as their highest earned degree.Table 3: Participant’s Highest Earned Degree Highest Degree EarnednaPercentages MSN/MN 8 50Ph.D. in Nursing531.25Ph.D. in Education318.75 Totals 16 100 a Two faculty holding a Master’s in Nursing are also certified Nurse Practitioners Participants were asked to indicate their academic rank as instructor, assistant professor, associate professor or professor.
College/Division: Department: Name: Highest Degree Earned: Year: Appointment Year: Appointment Rank: Present Rank: Year First Promotion: Year Second Promotion: Total Years at VSU: Years in Present Rank: Next Scheduled Personnel Action:Eligibility Date: FACULTY ANNUAL EVALUATION After reading the faculty member’s Faculty Activity Report and Action Plan, department/unit heads will complete this annual evaluation.
Signature of Proposed Trainer/ Instructor Note: Please attach copy of Highest Degree mentioned in CV.
The REP programs read this file and chooses the Highest Degree Level information for FIELD 16.
Highest Degree: otherwise known as the “terminal degree” is a degree that is the highest level of attainment in an academic or professional field of study.
Prin/Sr Lect FT (N=67) PT (N=24)Lecturer FT (N=58) PT (N=169)Teaching AssocFT (N=22) PT (N=21)Extension FT (N=20) PT (N=77) Time at UW for Different NLF Ranks and FTE Status Prin/Sr Lect Female (N=57) Male (N=41)Lecturer Female (N=146) Male (N=91) Teaching Assoc Female (N=41) Male (N=13) Extension Female (N=50) Male (N=36) Highest Degree for Different NLF Rank and Gender 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100Percent Responding< 3 yrs 3-6 yrs 7-10 yrs 10-13 yrs13-16 yrs 17-20 yrs >20_yrsFigure 1.