Highest Degree definition

Highest Degree. Year Awarded: School: Full-Time Years at NMU: Years Prior Service Credit: Date Hired: (excluding current academic year) (from appointment letter) Tenure Status: Date Awarded: COMMITTEE DATE RECEIVED Recommending: DATE OF ACTION DATE SENT TO NEXT STEP Promotion Tenure Yes No Yes No Evaluation Committee Department Head College Advisory Council Xxxx Faculty Review Committee Academic Vice President Final Decision Faculty Member: (name) (signature) Department: Present Rank: Date Received:
Highest Degree. Year Awarded: School: Full-Time Years at NMU: Years Prior Service Credit: Date Hired: (excluding current academic year) (from appointment letter) (at NMU) Tenure Status: Date Awarded: Faculty Member: Faculty evaluations contain four (4) parts that precede this page. The following signatures below do not indicate concurrence or nonconcurrence with the substance of the evaluation; they indicate only that the signer had read Parts I, II, III and IV of the evaluation. If this evaluation does not involve application for promotion and/or tenure, the faculty member and/or the xxxx may append a statement to this form if they so choose. Faculty Member: Date: (signature) Xxxx: Date: (signature) Updated: February 2004 Academic Affairs This authorization is requested by: Name: Rank: Department: This work will be done for: Name of firm or agency: (Name of firm, agency, etc.) During the period: For each month during the consulting period, list the amount of estimated hours: Month Hours This arrangement is in compliance with Article VI, Section 6.6, of the Agreement between the Board of Trustees and the AAUP-NMU Chapter. Signature: Date: ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Department Head: Date: Xxxx or Director: Date: Distribution of copies: Faculty Member Department Head Xxxx or Director, PVPAA Revised: February 2004; Academic Affairs I WISH TO ENROLL THE FOLLOWING HOUSEHOLD MEMBER IN THE NMU HEALTH CARE PLAN: Name of Household Member: Effective Date: Household Member Birth Date: Social Security Number
Highest Degree. From: To: Educational institution: City: Country: Self-taught artist yes No Gallery: City, country: Gallery: City, country:

Examples of Highest Degree in a sentence

  • Code to the Highest Degree of SpecificityProviders who must select ICD-10 diagnosis codes should use codes that provide the highest degree of accuracy and completeness, or the greatest specificity.

  • Principal Investigator(s): (Name) (Highest Degree Earned) (Department) 3.

  • Highest Degree Earned: Doctorate Master Bachelor AssociateDiploma/Certificate 10.

  • College/Division: Department: Name: Highest Degree Earned: Year: Appointment Year: Appointment Rank: Present Rank:Year First Promotion: Year Second Promotion: Total Years at VSU: Years in Present Rank: Next Scheduled Personnel Action:Eligibility Date:FACULTY ANNUAL EVALUATION After reading the faculty member’s Faculty Activity Report and Action Plan, department/unit heads will complete this annual evaluation.

  • Table 3 illustrates the number of participants reporting the Master’s in Nursing or Ph.D. in nursing or education as their highest earned degree.Table 3: Participant’s Highest Earned Degree Highest Degree EarnednaPercentages MSN/MN 8 50Ph.D. in Nursing531.25Ph.D. in Education318.75 Totals 16 100 a Two faculty holding a Master’s in Nursing are also certified Nurse Practitioners Participants were asked to indicate their academic rank as instructor, assistant professor, associate professor or professor.

  • College/Division: Department: Name: Highest Degree Earned: Year: Appointment Year: Appointment Rank: Present Rank: Year First Promotion: Year Second Promotion: Total Years at VSU: Years in Present Rank: Next Scheduled Personnel Action:Eligibility Date: FACULTY ANNUAL EVALUATION After reading the faculty member’s Faculty Activity Report and Action Plan, department/unit heads will complete this annual evaluation.

  • Signature of Proposed Trainer/ Instructor Note: Please attach copy of Highest Degree mentioned in CV.

  • The REP programs read this file and chooses the Highest Degree Level information for FIELD 16.

  • Highest Degree: otherwise known as the “terminal degree” is a degree that is the highest level of attainment in an academic or professional field of study.

  • Prin/Sr Lect FT (N=67) PT (N=24)Lecturer FT (N=58) PT (N=169)Teaching AssocFT (N=22) PT (N=21)Extension FT (N=20) PT (N=77) Time at UW for Different NLF Ranks and FTE Status Prin/Sr Lect Female (N=57) Male (N=41)Lecturer Female (N=146) Male (N=91) Teaching Assoc Female (N=41) Male (N=13) Extension Female (N=50) Male (N=36) Highest Degree for Different NLF Rank and Gender 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100Percent Responding< 3 yrs 3-6 yrs 7-10 yrs 10-13 yrs13-16 yrs 17-20 yrs >20_yrsFigure 1.

Related to Highest Degree

  • Highest-level owner means the entity that owns or controls an immediate owner of the offeror, or that owns or controls one or more entities that control an immediate owner of the offeror. No entity owns or exercises control of the highest level owner.

  • Highest Rating Category means, with respect to a Permitted Investment, that the Permitted Investment is rated by S&P or Moody’s in the highest rating category given by that rating agency for that general category of security. By way of example, the Highest Rating Category for tax exempt municipal debt established by S&P is “A 1+” for debt with a term of one year or less and “AAA” for a term greater than one year, with corresponding ratings by Moody’s of “MIG 1” (for fixed rate) or “VMIG 1” (for variable rate) for three months or less and “Aaa” for greater than three months. If at any time (i) both S&P and Moody’s rate a Permitted Investment and (ii) one of those ratings is below the Highest Rating Category, then such Permitted Investment will, nevertheless, be deemed to be rated in the Highest Rating Category if the lower rating is no more than one rating category below the highest rating category of that rating agency. For example, a Permitted Investment rated “AAA” by S&P and “Aa3” by Moody’s is rated in the Highest Rating Category. If, however, the lower rating is more than one full rating category below the Highest Rating Category of that Rating Agency, then the Permitted Investment will be deemed to be rated below the Highest Rating Category. For example, a Permitted Investment rated “AAA” by S&P and “A1” by Moody’s is not rated in the Highest Rating Category.

  • Diversity Score means a single number that indicates collateral concentration in terms of both issuer and industry concentration, calculated as set forth on Schedule C hereto.

  • Highest Bidder means the Bidder, who quotes the highest License Fees

  • Rating Point means the V&H coordinates associated with a particular telephone number for rating purposes.

  • Highest adjacent grade means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface prior to construction next to the proposed walls of a structure.

  • Mean Sea Level means the average height of the sea for all stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for establishing various elevations within the floodplain. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term is synonymous with the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, to which Base Flood Elevations shown on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced.

  • Xxxxx’x Rating means, at any time, the rating issued by Xxxxx’x and then in effect with respect to the Borrower’s senior unsecured long-term debt securities without third-party credit enhancement.