Application for Promotion. Employees who have successfully completed their initial probationary period may make application for any Job Posting provided they meet the minimum, stated qualifications for the involved position; provided, however, that employees who have failed a promotional probationary period in a classification shall not be permitted to take an examination for promotion to that classification within twelve (12) months of the date of such failure.
Application for Promotion. 24.02.01 An application for promotion shall be submitted in writing to the Xxxxxxx and Vice-President (Academic) and the University Librarian no later than January 15th in any given year.
24.02.02 An application shall include a current curriculum vitae, a copy of those materials the candidate wishes to use as evidence of fulfilment of his/her duties and responsibilities, a description of his/her professional development and scholarly activities and any other information which the candidate thinks would aid his/her case.
24.02.03 In addition to the material described in 24.02.02, a candidate shall include a list of three or more possible referees.
Application for Promotion. All employees may make application for any Job Posting provided they meet the minimum, stated qualifications for the involved position; provided, however, that employees who have failed a promotional probationary period in a classification shall not be permitted to take an examination for promotion to that classification within twelve (12) months of the date of such failure. For those employees who successfully gain a new position with the Employer prior to serving their initial probationary period, issues regarding probation and seniority will be resolved on a case by case basis but, in all instances, the employee must serve all applicable probationary periods.
Application for Promotion. Employees may make application for any promotional examination plan provided they meet the minimum, stated qualifications for the involved position; provided, however, that employees who have failed a promotional probationary period in a classification shall not be permitted to take an examination for promotion to that classification within twelve (12) months of the date of such failure.
Application for Promotion. A Member may apply for promotion in writing to his/her Xxxx/ Administrator no later than June 30. The applicant shall provide the TPCAC with whatever information he/she or the TPCAC deems necessary to justify his/her being granted promotion. All applications shall include:
(1) a completed standardized form set out in the Appendices to the Agreement;
(2) annual evaluations (including material pursuant to Clause 14.18) covering the period since the last promotion or, if the application is for a first promotion, as governed by the letter of appointment of the Member, and Merit recommendations (if any) covering the same period;
(3) a curriculum vitae in a format appropriate to the applicant’s discipline;
(4) evidence of teaching performance as specified in Clause 25.13(1)(b);
(5) three (3) copies of four (4) publications (or other substantive evidence) for promotion to Professor, or three (3) copies of each of up to three (3) publications (or other substantive evidence) for promotion to Associate Professor, as appropriate to the Member’s discipline which the Member considers to be the most important or the most representative of his/her work;
(6) a list of at least five (5) referees external to the University, scholars who are recognized experts in the applicant’s field. For promotion to Full Professor, at least three (3) of the nominated referees must hold the rank of Professor or, in exceptional circumstances appropriate to the applicant’s field, equivalent stature. Each name must be accompanied by a brief description of the nominee’s qualifications to serve as referee. The list of referees shall be consistent with the University of Winnipeg Conflict of Interest Policy and Article 37 – Conflict of Interest and shall not include individuals who were the applicant’s thesis supervisor, or postdoctoral supervisor; and
(7) such other material and information as the Member wants considered in support of his/her application for promotion.
Application for Promotion. Normally, to be eligible to apply for promotion, a faculty member must have served a minimum number of consecutive years in a lower rank: Assistant Professor- at least four years as an Instructor. Associate Professor- at least five years as an Assistant Professor Professor- at least five years as an Associate Professor. University Professor- see Section XIII. Provided, individual faculty members may negotiate a different timeline in their initial employment contract. It is the responsibility of the faculty member, after consultation with the Chair or Director, to make application for promotion.
Application for Promotion. Applications for promotion or appointment to Department Manager positions covered by this Agreement will be made available to all employees. Applications will be made in triplicate to the Store Manager on a form supplied by the Company. The second copy will be returned to the employee signed by the Store Manager as acknowledgment of the application. The third copy will be sent to the District Union Office. Applications may be made at any time and will be valid for a period of one (1) year. Applications may be renewed during the two (2) month period immediately preceding January 31st each year and in such case the application will retain the original date. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application, Management will discuss with the employee the employee’s application for promotion, and will bring to the employee's attention any shortcomings which may affect the employee’s opportunities for advancement. The Store Manager may post a bulletin soliciting applications at any time. The Store Manager will provide the store xxxxxxx with a listing of all valid applications on file by classification and in order of date of application. In making promotions, the Company will select employees from among those who have valid applications on file at least two (2) weeks before the promotion becomes effective, in accordance with Article 2.07.
Application for Promotion. Permanent employees of the bargaining unit are encouraged to apply for promotional vacancies providing he/she meets the qualifications of the job description and has satisfactory performance evaluations.
Application for Promotion. Applications for promotion to the positions classified or appointed by volume covered by this Agreement will be made available to all employees (including present Department Managers, Head Cashiers and Bookkeepers who desire promotion to higher volume stores). Applications will be made in triplicate to the Labour Relations Department on a form supplied by the Company. The second copy will be returned to the employee signed by the Manager, Industrial Relations as acknowledgement of the application. The third copy will be sent to the District Union Office. Applications may be made at any time and will be valid for a period of one (Iy)ear. Applications may be renewed during the two (2) month period immediately preceding January each year, and in such case the application will retain the original date. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application, Management will discuss with the employee his application for promotion, and will bring to the employee's attention any shortcomings which may affect his opportunities for advancement. The Company may post a bulletin soliciting applications at any time. The Company will forward to the District Union Office, on a quarterly basis, a listing of all valid applications on file by classification and in order of date of application. In making promotions, the Company will select employees from among those who have valid applications on file at least two (2) weeks before the promotion becomes effective, in accordance with Article
Application for Promotion. Postings for promotional opportunities shall be for at least ten (10) calendar days. All employees may make application for any Job Posting provided they meet the minimum, stated qualifications for the involved position; provided, however, that employees who have failed a promotional probationary period in a classification shall not be permitted to take an examination for promotion to that classification within twelve (12) months of the date of such failure. For those employees who successfully gain a new position with the Employer prior to serving their initial probationary period, issues regarding probation and seniority will be resolved on a case by case basis.