ADVISORY COUNCIL. An Advisory Council consisting of the superintendent of each participating District, or his/her designee is hereby created. The purpose of such Advisory Council is to monitor the performance of this Agreement, amend this Agreement (with concurrence of all parties affected), and terminate this Agreement as provided in Section IX. Activities of the Advisory Council shall take place as needed, called by a majority of its members or by the Superintendent of the NWESD, or his/her designee. Decisions by the Advisory Council will be made by a vote of greater than fifty percent (50%) of a quorum. A quorum is defined as at least fifty percent (50%) of the representatives appointed to the Advisory Council. Participation may occur via technological participation, including email providing at least seven (7) calendar days prior written notice was provided to each District superintendent or designee.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. An Advisory Council consisting of the superintendent of each participating District, or his/her designee, is hereby created. The purpose of such Advisory Council is to monitor the performance of this Agreement, recommend amendment(s) to this Agreement (pursuant to Section XI), and to terminate this Agreement (pursuant to Section XI). Additionally, the Advisory Council will be responsible for making recommendations to the NWESD regarding policies unique to the operation of the Program and recommending modifications to the Program budget should student enrollment fall significantly below projections. Activities of the Advisory Council shall take place as needed, called by a majority of its members or the Superintendent of the NWESD, or his/her designee. Decisions by the Advisory Council will be made by a vote of greater than fifty percent (50%) of a quorum. A quorum is defined as follows: at least fifty percent (50%) of the representatives appointed to the Advisory Council. Participation may occur via technological participation, including email, providing at least seven (7) calendar days prior notice was provided to each District superintendent or designee.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. (a) There shall be an Advisory Council of not less than seven persons selected by the Board of Governors including representatives of banking, commercial, industrial, labor, and agricultural interests, and with as wide a national representation as possible. In those fields where specialized international organizations exist, the members of the Council representative of those fields shall be selected in agreement with such organizations. The Council shall advise the Bank on matters of general policy. The Council shall meet annually and on such other occasions as the Bank may request. (b) Councillors shall serve for two years and may be reappointed. They shall be paid their reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the Bank.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. An Advisory Council consisting of the superintendent of each participating/member District, or his/her designee is hereby created. The purpose of such Advisory Council is to monitor the performance of this Agreement, amend this Agreement (with concurrence of all parties affected), and terminate this Agreement as provided in Article X. Additionally, the Advisory Council will be responsible for making recommendations to NWESD regarding policies unique to the operation of the Cooperative and recommending modifications to the program budget should student enrollment fall significantly below projections. Activities of the Advisory Council shall take place as needed, called by a majority of its members or the Superintendent of NWESD, or his/her designee. Decisions by the Advisory Council will be made by a vote of greater than fifty percent (50%) of a quorum. A quorum is defined as follows: at least fifty percent (50%) of the representatives appointed to the Advisory Council. Participation may occur via technological participation, including email, providing at least seven (7) calendar days prior notice was provided to each member District superintendent or designee.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. Upon expiration of the JSC Term and exercise by GSK of the Inhaled Option, the Committee Parties shall establish an advisory council (the “Advisory Council”) whose primary function shall be to continue to meet as reasonably required by GSK, but not more frequently than quarterly or as otherwise agreed by the Parties, to discuss issues related to the ongoing development of Research Products by GSK and GSK Bio (in the event the Vaccines Option has been exercised in accordance with the terms of the Vaccine Collaboration Agreement), as well as manufacture of PRINT Materials and Research Products under the Development Supply Agreement by Liquidia, if applicable. For the avoidance of doubt, the Advisory Council is intended to facilitate an ongoing exchange of scientific information and data between the Parties for the benefit of and to inform future plans for, GSK’s and GSK Bio’s development of Research Products under this Agreement and the Vaccine Collaboration Agreement, and is not intended to serve as a decision-making committee. Further, the Development Supply Agreement shall provide for additional committees as necessary or appropriate to ensure Liquidia’s cooperation with GSK with respect to any applicable assessments conducted by GSK of Liquidia or its subcontractors’ manufacturing facilities and GSK’s control over the applicable supply chains for the Research Products.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. Both the Member Library and TADL shall participate in the District Library Advisory Council. Said Council shall be composed of the head librarians of TADL and each Member Library under contract to TADL, and shall meet periodically at reasonable times and locations as determined mutually by the representatives from TADL and each Member Library.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. TEACHERS’ ADVISORY COUNCIL: The Teacher’s Advisory Council shall continue for the purpose of improving communications and providing an opportunity for the discussion of items of concern to employees and to the administration. H-1.2 TAC membership will include the Superintendent and his/her/their designees and 11 BVEA members that reflect the BVSD organizational model of area networks as follows: • One member from each level--elementary, middle and high school for each of the 3 Area Networks (9 members) • One member from our PK-8 schools • If at least two members listed above are not specialists, one additional specialist member can be added. • BVEA Vice President H-1.3 There will be an application process for interested parties. Applications will be reviewed and chosen by the Executive Board for appointment by the President. If there is no applicant for one of the vacancies, recommendations will come to the Executive Board and the President will appoint. Appointments will be for 3 years, with no term limits and will replace 1/3 of the members each year to maintain historical knowledge on the Committee. The Northwest Area Network will apply for the 2021-2022 school year followed by the East Area Network in the 2022-2023 school year and the Southwest Area Network in the 2023-2024 school year.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. Advisory Council" shall mean the advisory body to the Lead Applicant.
ADVISORY COUNCIL a.i The Advisory Council will provide support and guidance to MSC on issues concerning the administration of this Agreement.
ADVISORY COUNCIL. The Governing Board is authorized, but not required, to form an advisory council consisting of representatives of Contributors and Users of a Chassis Pool, which may provide input to the Pool Manager or Governing Board on issues of interest and concern to such Contributors and Users. Contributors who are ocean carriers or Non-Regulated Entities shall be eligible for the advisory council and shall be appointed by vote of the Governing Board. Members of the advisory council can attend Governing Board meetings at the invitation of the Governing Board chairman.