High definition

High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "High" if normal business processes are seriously affected. Necessary tasks cannot be performed. This is caused by incorrect or inoperable functions in the Computing Environment that are required immediately. The Incident is to be processed as quickly as possible because a continuing malfunction can seriously disrupt the entire productive business flow.
High reflects the highest closing level of the Index during the applicable year.
High means any service requests that concern with the critical part of your service usage and could probably cause damage. The requests shall be managed urgently due to the high impact.

Examples of High in a sentence

  • RAP/FRAP stockpiles for use in HMA binder mixtures (High and Low ESAL), HMA base course, and HMA base course widening shall be FRAP, homogeneous, or conglomerate, in which the coarse aggregate is Class C quality or better.

  • RAP/FRAP stockpiles for use in HMA surface mixtures (High and Low ESAL) shall be FRAP or homogeneous in which the coarse aggregate is Class B quality or better.

  • FRAP shall consist of RAP from Class I, HMA (High and Low ESAL) mixtures.

  • The mixture does not contain substances classified as ‘Substances of Very High Concern' (SVHC) >= 0.1% published by the European CHemicals Agency (ECHA) under article 57 of REACH: http://echa.europa.eu/fr/candidate-list-tableThe mixture fulfils neither the PBT nor the vPvB criteria for mixtures in accordance with annexe XIII of the REACH regulations EC 1907/2006.

  • Conglomerate RAP stockpiles shall consist of RAP from Class I, HMA (High and Low ESAL) mixtures.

More Definitions of High

High refers to incidents that are vitally important and require immediate resolution as broad service users cannot perform mission-critical business.
High rating means that the area is easily accessible with the assets and personnel already in place. Such an area may already be patrolled and would not require additional assets. Additional funding may be required to maintain adequate enforcement patrols.
High means harm could happen at any time or did happen. The violation could directly lead to harm without the need for other significant circumstances or failures. If the deficient practice con- tinues, it would be likely that harm could happen at any time to any patient.
High risk profile means that the Fund may experience periods of negative and/or volatile returns, and a loss of value, while offering the potential for greater returns.
High in this context means above main deck or thwart level. Pay particular attention to masts and gantries, and deckhouse tops and contents -particularly in the case of spare fishing gear which can be heavy.
High. Risk Food’ means food which will rapidly deteriorate in quality and/or pose a health hazard when incorrectly stored or displayed. ‘High Risk Food (non-packed)’ includes all perishable foods which are stored, prepared, displayed or sold without individual wrapping or sealing and includes food for sale from catering stalls. ‘High Risk Food (prepared)’ includes all perishable foods which are stored, displayed or sold fully wrapped or sealed where such wrapping or sealing does not take place at the stall.
High rating means that the area is easily accessible with the assets and personnel already in place. Such an area may already be patrolled and would not require additional assets.