Examples of High in a sentence
RAP/FRAP stockpiles for use in HMA binder mixtures (High and Low ESAL), HMA base course, and HMA base course widening shall be FRAP, homogeneous, or conglomerate, in which the coarse aggregate is Class C quality or better.
RAP/FRAP stockpiles for use in HMA surface mixtures (High and Low ESAL) shall be FRAP or homogeneous in which the coarse aggregate is Class B quality or better.
FRAP shall consist of RAP from Class I, HMA (High and Low ESAL) mixtures.
The mixture does not contain substances classified as ‘Substances of Very High Concern' (SVHC) >= 0.1% published by the European CHemicals Agency (ECHA) under article 57 of REACH: http://echa.europa.eu/fr/candidate-list-tableThe mixture fulfils neither the PBT nor the vPvB criteria for mixtures in accordance with annexe XIII of the REACH regulations EC 1907/2006.
Conglomerate RAP stockpiles shall consist of RAP from Class I, HMA (High and Low ESAL) mixtures.