Examples of Highlands Regional Master Plan in a sentence
The Highlands Act augments that authority to allow municipalities the power to enforce the goals, policies, objectives, and programs of the Highlands Regional Master Plan.
The net effect is that the statutory authority of local government units in the Highlands Region, inclusive of that provided under the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL), is not preempted by the Highlands Act, but rather is supplemented through the passage of the Highlands Act and the adoption of the Highlands Regional Master Plan.
The ERI (which will be further supplemented through the Plan Conformance process) was developed based on the vast store of resource information, technical data, and scientific analyses that provide foundation for the Highlands Regional Master Plan, including all Highlands Technical Reports and guidance documents.
In addition, the Highlands Council has held and continues to adhere to a regular schedule of open public meetings providing continuous opportunity for public comment, and has provided for on- going data sharing and access to information through its internet website.The Highlands Regional Master Plan (RMP) was adopted by the Highlands Council on July 17, 2008, and became effective on September 8, 2008.
The extended time allowance was intended to provide for completion of Highlands Municipal Build-Out Reports (see Modules 1-2, above) and incorporation of resulting information into fully developed affordable housing plans in accordance with Executive Order #114 (2008) and COAH’s Guidance for Highlands Municipalities that Conform to the Highlands Regional Master Plan.
The activity, improvement or development proposed in the Application for Development will neither encroach upon a Highlands Resource or Highlands Resource Area, nor be of detrimental impact to any Highlands resource or Highlands Resource Area as these are identified and delineated in the Highlands Regional Master Plan.
The Applicant’s professional(s) responsible for preparation of the Applicant’s plan shall establish compliance of the above through a formal certification specifically addressing the Highlands Resources and Resource Areas and related policies and objectives as identified in Chapter 4 of the Highlands Regional Master Plan.
The New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council states that the final EIS does not adequately address the Highlands Region, nor the Highlands Regional Master Plan.
The ERI includes all of the information available through the Highlands Regional Master Plan and supporting technical documents, which document the wide array of natural and cultural resources that characterize the New Jersey Highlands Region.The municipality recognizes the unique value of the Township Highlands Preservation Area and seeks to protect and enhance it, in keeping with the Highlands Act and the Highlands RMP.
The credits entitle the purchaser to build in a receiving zone at a density or intensity greater than that permitted under existing zoning.The TDR program must be established and administered in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Highlands Regional Master Plan.