Examples of HIPAA Security Standards in a sentence
Business Associate acknowledges and agrees that, as of the applicable effective dates in ARRA, the HIPAA Security Standards and the Privacy Rule shall apply to Business Associate in the same manner that they apply to Covered Entity, and that Business Associate shall fully comply with the Privacy Rule and HIPAA Security Standards as of the applicable effective dates.
Business Associate agrees to reasonably safeguard Protected Health Information from any intentional or unintentional use or disclosure in violation of the Agreement, the Privacy Rule, and the HIPAA Security Standards, including as they may be amended by ARRA.
Business Associate agrees to provide to Covered Entity proof of its compliance with the HIPAA Security Standards.
A contract with a customer is classified by the Group as a construction contract when the contract relates to work on real estate assets under the control of the customer and therefore the Group’s construction activities create or enhance an asset under the customer’s control.
The Company shall report to the Plan any security incident under the HIPAA Security Standards of which it becomes aware.
The Contractor will provide security in a manner that complies with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Standards found in 45 CFR§ 164, et.seq.
The Contractor will implement strong encryption algorithm that meets industry encryption standard criteria as defined by NIST and HIPAA Security Standards to encrypt all confidential information including protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) while in transit to ensure data confidentiality and security.
In the Ceasefire model, the monitoring component that SIU offers is preceded by a ‘call- in’ meeting which high value offenders are asked to attend by special invitation of the sheriff.
Business Associate agrees not to use or disclose (or permit the use or disclosure of) PHI in a manner that would violate the HIPAA Security Standards, the HITECH Act, or Texas law, including without limitation the provisions of Texas Health and Safety Code Chapters 181 and 182 as amended by HB 300 (82nd Legislature), effective September 1, 2012, in each case including any implementing regulations as applicable if the PHI were used or disclosed by University in the same manner.
The Contractor will implement strong encryption algorithm that meets industry encryption standard criteria as defined by NIST and HIPAA Security Standards to encrypt all confidential information including protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) while in transit and at rest to ensure data confidentiality and security.