Examples of Home plus in a sentence
The outstanding balance is the difference between the total purchase price of the Home, plus the cost of extras requested by the Buyer, if any, and the total of the payments the Buyers has made to the Seller for the Home prior to closing.
At the closing, the Buyer must produce cash or certified funds representing the difference between the total purchase price of the Home plus the cost of optional items ordered by Buyer, if any, and down payments previously made by the Buyer plus the proceeds of a mortgage loan, if any.
Please mark which setting-type describes the site for which you are filling out this assessment: [choose one]• Adult day care• Assisted living facility• Board care homes• Children’s Residential Services/Professional Resource Family Care• HCBS Services provided in a Licensed Foster Home• Home plus facility• IDD day services• IDD residential where 1-2 persons-served live• IDD residential where 3-8 persons-served live• Supported employment A5.
There shall be two (2) off-street parking spaces per Recovery Home, plus one (1) additional space for each four (4) employees (based on the maximum at any one time).
The Bank also ran campaigns targeting housing loan customers with good repayment history by offering them Home plus loan products under the green channel in attractive terms and Federal Pure Gold with discounts.The retail loan book of the Bank reached ` 10,623 Cr forming 28.13 % of the total advances of the Bank.
OHS - GRANT BOYHOOD HOME The amount reappropriated for the foregoing appropriation item C230D2, OHS - Grant Boyhood Home, is the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2022, in appropriation item C230D2, OHS - Grant Boyhood Home, plus $1,126.
It is important to note that these institutions are established under a public framewotrk and funded through public money but are, at the same time, flexible in supporting the Cluster members. Agrofood clusters give great emphasis on the cultural aspect of their products, linked to their specific region thereby creating a side product of agrotourism focusing around the local oenogastronomy.
Home plus LD II Home plus LD II is an add-on to the Company’s interstate offering and is only available to Embarq Wireless customers who are also subscribed to the Embarq Wireless Home plan.
However, the portion of the “Resale Profit,* if any, allocated to the seller in this example would be in addition to the seller’s recapture of its equity in the Rehabilitated Home, plus the Costs of Eligible Capital Improvements which in this particular example is a total sum of $21,000 payable to the seller.
Home plus LD Home plus LD is an add-on to the interstate offering and is only available to Embarq Wireless customers who are also subscribed to the Embarq Wireless Home plan.