CHAMPUS definition
Examples of CHAMPUS in a sentence
The primary method of processing CHAMPUS claims in the United States is through competitively procured, fixed-price contracts.
Although similar in structure in many of its aspects, CHAMPUS is not an insurance program in that it does not involve a contract guaranteeing the indemnification of an insured party against a specified loss in return for a premium paid.
The external partnership agreement is an agreement between a military treat- ment facility Commander and a CHAMPUS-authorized institutional provider, enabling Uniformed Services health care personnel to provide other- wise covered medical care to CHAMPUS beneficiaries in a civilian facility.
The internal partnership agreement is an agreement between a military treat- ment facility commander and a CHAMPUS-authorized civilian health care provider which enables the use of civilian health care personnel or other resources to provide medical care to CHAMPUS beneficiaries on the prem- ises of a military treatment facility.
Savings will be realized under this type of agreement by using available military health care personnel to avoid the civilian profes- sional provider charges which would otherwise be billed to CHAMPUS.