Homeless definition
Examples of Homeless in a sentence
Has any household member(s) (check that apply): ☐ Been Homeless ☐ Fled Housing Due to Violence ☐ Lived in Public Housing ☐ None 5.
Contractor shall take part in annual sheltered Homeless Count by maintaining accurate and up-to-date data in good standing and being responsive to the Sonoma County Homelessness Coalition (formally: Continuum of Care) and HMIS Coordinators’ requests for current and accurate information prior to and after the Homeless Count.
Homeless Management Information System and Coordinated Entry Exhibit E.
All homeless Participant data for Covered Homeless Organizations shall be entered into the EtO HMIS unless approved in writing and attached to this Agreement.
Contractor shall take part in the annual unsheltered Homeless Count by assigning staff to assist in the Homeless Count process and by making facilities and other Contractor resources available to support the Homeless Count commensurate to the size of Contractor’s homelessness program.