Chronically Homeless definition

Chronically Homeless means an individual and/or family who has experienced at least two (2) episodes of shelter living and has a substantiated need for long term Case Management and Supportive Services as demonstrated by a Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (“VI- SPDAT”) score of eight (8) or higher. Homeless individuals and/or families must be registered in the Homeless Management Information System (“HMIS”), with the exception of domestic violence victims.
Chronically Homeless means an individual and/or family who has experienced at least two (2) episodes of shelter living and has a substantiated need for long term Case Management and Supportive Services as demonstrated by a SPDAT score of ten (10) or higher. The individual must be registered in the Homeless Management Information System (“HMIS”), with the exception of domestic violence victims.
Chronically Homeless for this Program means an adult or older adult with a Serious Mental Disorder or Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Children or Adolescents who meet the criteria below according to 24 Code of Federal Regulations Section 578.3, as that section read on May 1, 2016:

Examples of Chronically Homeless in a sentence

  • Homeless Individual SummaryIn Chart c., indicate the number of eligible individuals reported in Chart b., Row 5 as homeless who also are homeless Veterans and/or meet the definition for Chronically Homeless (See Definition section of CAPER).

  • Homeless Individual SummaryIn Chart c, indicate the number of eligible individuals reported in Chart b, Row 5 as homeless who also are homeless Veterans and/or meet the definition for Chronically Homeless (See Definition section of CAPER).

  • This preference is available to Chronically Homeless Individuals and Families who may be eligible for special Voucher Set-Asides provided by certain Housing Authorities.

  • In Chart c, indicate the number of HOPWA eligible individuals reported as homeless in Chart b, Row 5 who are also identified as homeless Veterans and/or meet the definition for Chronically Homeless (See Definition section of APR).

  • SUPPORTIVE HOUSINGOne (1) Permanent Supportive Housing Project that has a minimum of thirty(30) Units set aside for Chronically Homeless households with a preference for veterans.

More Definitions of Chronically Homeless

Chronically Homeless means continuously homeless for a year or more, or having had at least four (4) episodes of homelessness in the last three (3) years.
Chronically Homeless means the same as defined under the federal Continuum of Care Program, at 24 CFR 578.3.
Chronically Homeless means an individual and/or family who has experienced at least two episodes of shelter living and has a substantiated need for long term case management and supportive services. Theindividual must be registered in the Homeless Management Information System (“HMIS”), with the exception of domestic violence victims.
Chronically Homeless means an individual or Family that: 1) is Homeless and lives or resides in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter; and 2) has been Homeless and living or residing in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter continuously for at least one year or on at least four separate occasions [defined below] in the last 3 years where those occasions cumulatively total at least 12 months; and 3) has an adult head of household (or a minor head of household if no adult is present in the household) with a diagnosable substance abuse disorder, serious mental illness, developmental disability (as defined by HUD regulations), post-traumatic stress disorder, cognitive impairments resulting from a brain injury, or chronic physical illness or disability, including the co-occurrence of two or more of those conditions; the disability is expected to be long-continuing or of indefinite duration and substantially impedes the individual’s ability to live independently.
Chronically Homeless individual is defined to mean a homeless individual with a disability who lives either in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter, or in an institutional care facility if the individual has been living in the facility for fewer than 90 days and had been living in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter immediately before entering the institutional care facility. In order to meet the “chronically homeless” definition, the individual also must have been living as described above continuously for at least 12 months, or on at least four separate occasions in the last 3 years, where the combined occasions total a length of time of at least 12 months. Each period separating the occasions must include at least 7 nights of living in a situation other than a place not meant for human habitation, in an emergency shelter, or in a safe haven. Chronically homeless families are families with adult heads of household who meet the definition of a chronically homeless individual. If there is no adult in the family, the family would still be considered chronically homeless if a minor head of household meets all the criteria of a chronically homeless individual. A chronically homeless family includes those whose composition has fluctuated while the head of household has been homeless.
Chronically Homeless individuals who meet the definition of “Chronically Homeless” as set forth by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, described as an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who either has been continuously homeless for a year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years..
Chronically Homeless means an individual or family that is homeless and resides in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter, and has been homeless and residing in such a place for at least 1 year or on at least four separate occasions in the last 3 years. The statutory definition also requires that the individual or family has a head of household with a diagnosable substance use disorder, serious mental illness, developmental disability, post-traumatic stress disorder, cognitive impairment resulting from a brain injury, or chronic physical illness or disability.