Hotel Square Footage definition

Hotel Square Footage means the usable square footage within a building that is, or is expected to be, a Hotel, as reflected on a condominium plan, site plan, or Building Permit, as provided by the Developer or the City, or as expected pursuant to Development Approval Documents. All square footage that is not Residential Square Footage or Accessory Square Footage and shares an Assessor’s Parcel number within such a structure, including square footage of restaurants, meeting and convention facilities, gift shops, spas, offices, and other related uses, shall be categorized as Hotel Square Footage. Upon assignment of Assessor’s Parcel numbers to the Airspace Parcels for any Hotel Condominiums, the Hotel Condominiums shall be assigned a Maximum Special Tax based on application of the appropriate Base Special Tax for Hotel Condominiums, as set forth in Section C below. If there are separate Assessor’s Parcel numbers for the retail uses associated with the Hotel, the Base Special Tax for Commercial/Retail Square Footage shall be used to determine the Maximum Special Tax for such Parcels, and the Base Special Tax for Hotel Square Footage shall be used to determine the Maximum Special Tax for Parcels on which uses in the building other than Hotel Condominiums and retail uses are located, including office space associated with Hotel operations. The Administrator, in conjunction with the Review Authority, shall make the final determination as to the amount of Hotel Square Footage within a building, and such determination shall be conclusive and binding. Hotel Square Foot means a single square-foot unit of Hotel Square Footage.
Hotel Square Footage means the Square Footage within a building that is, or is expected to be, a Hotel, as reflected on a condominium plan, site plan, Building Permit, or Certificate of Occupancy; as provided by the Developer or the City; or as expected pursuant to Development Approval Documents. All Square Footage that is (i) not For-Sale Residential Square Footage, Rental Residential Square Footage, Exempt Square Footage, or Excess Exempt Square Footage and (ii) shares an Assessor’s Parcel number within such a structure, including Square Footage of restaurants, meeting and convention facilities, gift shops, spas, offices, and other related uses, shall be categorized as Hotel Square Footage. Upon assignment of Assessor’s Parcel numbers to the Airspace Parcels for any Hotel Condominiums, the Hotel Condominiums shall be assigned a Maximum Special Tax based on application of the Base Special Tax for Rental Residential Square Footage or For-Sale Residential Square Footage, as applicable. The Administrator, in conjunction with the Review Authority, shall make the final determination as to the amount of Hotel Square Footage within a building, and such determination shall be conclusive and binding. Hotel Square Foot means a single square-foot unit of Hotel Square Footage. For purposes of levying and collecting the Facilities Special Tax, after the First Bond Sale, a Hotel Condominium shall never be subsequently categorized as a Rental Unit or as Hotel Square Footage regardless of changes of use in the building or a decision to permanently or temporarily rent the Hotel Condominium.
Hotel Square Footage means the usable square footage within a building that is, or is expected to be, a Hotel, as reflected on a condominium plan, site plan, or Building Permit, as provided by the Developer or the City, or as expected pursuant to Development Approval Documents. All square footage that is not Residential Square Footage or Accessory Square Footage and shares an Assessor’s Parcel number within such a structure, including square footage of restaurants, meeting and convention facilities, gift shops, spas, offices, and other related uses, shall be categorized as Hotel Square Footage. Upon assignment of Assessor’s Parcel numbers to the Airspace Parcels for any Hotel Condominiums, the Hotel Condominiums shall be assigned a Maximum Special Tax based on application of the appropriate Base Special Tax for Hotel Condominiums, as set forth in Section C below. If there are separate Assessor’s Parcel numbers for the retail uses associated with the Hotel, the Base Special Tax for Commercial/Retail Square Footage shall be used to determine the Maximum Special Tax for

Examples of Hotel Square Footage in a sentence

  • Until individual Assessor’s Parcels are created for each Residential Unit and for any Commercial/Retail Square Footage, and/or Hotel Square Footage, within a building, the Administrator shall sum the Facilities Special Tax that, pursuant to Section F below, would be levied on all land uses on a Parcel and levy this aggregate Facilities Special Tax amount on the Parcel.

  • Determine the Residential Square Footage of each Residential Unit that will be constructed pursuant to the Building Permit, as well as the Commercial/Retail Square Footage and Hotel Square Footage within the building(s).