Hours worked means the time during which an employee is subject to the control of an employer, and includes all the time the employee is suffered or permitted to work, whether or not required to do so.
hours of work means time during which seafarers are required to do work on account of the ship;
ordinary hours of work means the hours of work permitted in terms of clause 11;
Normal weekly hours of work means the established standard work times and number of hours in the workweek for the position or, if standard work times and number of hours have not been established for the position, the work times and average number of hours per week actually worked by the employee in that position over the most recent 3 months before the employer files the application for designation as a participating employer.
means of access includes any means of access, whether private or public, for vehicles or for foot passengers, and includes a street;
Hours of Service means hours to be credited to an Employee under the following rules:
Hours of Operation are the hours established by the Employer to provide adequate service to the public and to fulfil the functions of the work unit.
Regular hours worked means those hours which the court is regularly scheduled to work during any given work week. Depending on the particular court, these hours may vary from court to court within the county but remain the same for each work week.
Work week means a seven (7) consecutive day week that consistently begins and ends on the same days throughout the year; i.e. Sunday through Saturday, Wednesday through Tuesday, Friday through Thursday.
STIPULATED HOURS OF SERVICE PER DAY means hours of duty per day, normal hours/timings of duty whereof shall be determined by the Company's Engineer for which fixed charge shall be payable.
hours travelled means hours spent travelling from point to point on an hourly or daily basis laid down by the Employer and does not include meal breaks, lodging time, or time spent other than travelling;
Shift Work is defined as the same work performed by two or more employees or two or more successive sets or groups of employees working successive periods.
Workweek means any week during which a Class Member worked for Defendant for at least one day, during the Class Period.
Open Access means the non-discriminatory provision for the use of transmission lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by the Appropriate Commission;
Austraclear System means the system operated by Austraclear for holding securities and the electronic recording and settling of transactions in those securities between members of that system.
Service Level means the standard set forth below by which IBM measures the level of service it provides in this SLA.
Working Week means an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17-week reference period.
Hours As used herein, the term "Hours" shall mean sequential sixty (60) minute time frames.
Technical safeguards means the technology and the policy and procedures for its use that 27 protect electronic PHI and control access to it.
Programme Limit means the maximum aggregate nominal amount of Notes that may be issued and outstanding at any time under the Programme, as such limit may be increased pursuant to the Dealer Agreement;
Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement means the portion of the Day- ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement that is required in addition to the Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement to ensure adequate resources are procured to meet real-time load and operational needs, as specified in the PJM Manuals.
Week means seven consecutive days.
Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement means the sum of Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement and Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.
Workload means a special education teacher’s total number of minutes required for all due process responsibilities, including direct and indirect services, evaluation and reevaluation time, management of individualized education programs (IEPs), travel time, parental contact, and other services required in the IEPs.
Normal Working Hours means between the hours of 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, inclusive. Saturdays, Sundays, and County holidays are excluded.
Technical Specifications A specification in a document defining the characteristics of a product or a service, such as the quality levels, the environmental and climate performance levels, the design for all needs, including accessibility for people with disabilities, and the evaluation of conformity, of product performance, of the use of the product, safety or dimensions, as well as requirements applicable to the product as regards the name by which it is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking or labelling, instructions for use, the production processes and methods at every stage in the life cycle of the supply or service, as well as the evaluation and conformity procedures;