HUD Handbook definition
Examples of HUD Handbook in a sentence
The allowability of the direct and indirect costs shall be determined in accordance with the Contract Cost Principles and Procedures for Commercial Firms in Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR 1-31), as implemented by HUD Handbook 2210.18, in effect on the date of this contract.
Unborn ChildrenIn accordance with the HUD Handbook 4350.3, owner shall include unborn children in determining household size and applicable income limits.
Owner shall refer to HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1 for guidance on the proper calculation and verification of income and assets per IRC regulations.
The O/A must give you the opportunity to contest such findings in accordance with HUD Handbook 4350.3 Rev.
For additional, non-exhaustive guidance on providing relocation assistance to persons with disabilities, see Exhibit 3-1 in HUD Handbook 1378.
For each recommendation without a management decision, please respond and provide status reports in accordance with the HUD Handbook.
The PHA or its management agent should consult the instructions in the form HUD 935.2A and HUD’s Implementing Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Requirements Handbook (HUD Handbook 8025.1) for guidance on completing the AFHMP and carrying out an affirmative marketing program.
The PHA or Project Owner should consult the instructions in the form HUD 935.2A and HUD’s Implementing Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Requirements Handbook (HUD Handbook 8025.1) for guidance on completing the AFHMP and carrying out an affirmative marketing program.
Under the URA, the resident becomes eligible to receive applicable relocation assistance and payments as a “displaced person” when the temporary relocation period exceeds one year and each time thereafter that the temporary relocation extends beyond the previously anticipated duration, at 78 HUD Handbook 1378, Chapter 2, Section 2-7 governs activities subject to URA requirements and informs, but is not binding upon, any RAD activities not governed by the URA.
Section 6.6 summarises ways in which these impacts can be mitigated through the planning system and the application of the Plan policies.