Examples of Hydric soil in a sentence
Note whether the boundary was delineated based on the presence of one or more of the following:• 50% or more wetland indicator plants• Saturated/inundated conditions• Groundwater Indicators• Direct Observation• Hydric soil indicators• For disturbed sites: specific, credible evidence of conditions prior to disturbance.
Hydric soil indicators also may be lacking because certain areas are so rocky that it is difficult to examine soil characteristics within 18 inches of the surface.
Hydric Soil Indicators - Hydric soil characteristics are those identified in Soil and Water Relationships of Florida’s Ecological Communities (Florida Soil Conservation ed.
Hydric soil indicators were identified through redoximorphic features located in a low chroma matrix (i.e., redox dark surfaces).
Hydric soil characteristics should be present, or conditions favorable for hydric soil formation should persist at the site.