Hypervisor definition
Examples of Hypervisor in a sentence
The included Red Hat Enterprise Linux is supported solely when used as the host operating system with the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor or when used as the guest operating system with virtual machines.
Refer to the Virtual Machine Requirements, on page 3 section for the amount of memory needed for each VMs.Also consider the memory needed by the Hypervisor.
O produto Red Hat Enterprise Linux incluido é suportado apenas quando utilizado como o sistema operacional host com o produto Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor ou quando utilizado como o sistema operacional guest com máquinas virtuais.
D., Santen, T.: Verifying the Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisor with VCC.
Das enthaltene Red Hat Enterprise Linux wird nur als Host- Betriebssystem mit dem Red Hat Enterprise Virtualisierungs Hypervisor unterstützt oder wenn es als Xxxx-Betriebssystem mit Virtuellen Maschinen betrieben wird.