Immigration Control Act definition
Examples of Immigration Control Act in a sentence
With respect to Korea, the requirements for a Peruvian national seeking temporary entry under Section B of Appendix 11A-2 shall be those defined in the Immigration Control Act of Korea and its enforcement decree and guideline.
However, deportation will be suspended while the application for recognition of refugee status is being processed (Article 61-2-6, paragraph (3) of the Immigration Control Act).
In the case of the aid to violate the Immigration Control Act that occurred in 2010, I did more criminal acts.
Then, if the former offender has submitted a false employment contract and has obtained the status of residence of international or technical skills, the Minister of Justice shall, pursuant to Article 4-4 of Immigration Act 22, "cancel the status of residence Since the Immigration Control Law stipulates that it can do, there is no causal relationship between illegal employment and false employment contracts under the Immigration Control Act.
Also, if police officers accepting charges and accusations as an investigative institution say they did not understand the designated Immigration Control Act, it is not permissible because they do not form a body as a state of law.
Consider amending the Immigration Control Act to introduce a maximum period of detention pending deportation (South Africa);147.47.
Article 24, Item 4, Sub-item (b) and Article 70, Item 5 of the Immigration Control Act).
Churipgukgwallibeop Ilbugaejeongan, [Partial Revisions of the Immigration Control Act], Act.
Under the Japanese refugee recognition procedures, a “refugee” refers to a refugee as defined in Article 1 of the Refugee Convention or in Article 1 of the Protocol (Article 2, item (iii)-2 of the Immigration Control Act).
The original definition from [AV15] is as follows: an MBM (short for “monodromy birationallyminimal”) class is, up to a rational multiple, a monodromy transform (see Subsection 2.2 for thedefinition of the monodromy) of a class of an extremal rational curve on an IHS birational model of M .