Examples of Independent Governors in a sentence
External Independent Governors do not have any financial interest in the institution and shall not have any conflicts of interest and/or financial dealings between governing board members and the institution except the entitlement to reimbursement of expenses for attending BoG meetings/meetings of any BoG sub-committee and meeting fees.
Independent Governors shall be appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee of the Board as described in Article VII.
Only members of the Committee and other Independent Governors have the right to attend Committee meetings.
The Committee comprises the Chair of the Board, Vice-Chair, Vice-Chancellor, two other Independent Governors and the nominated member from the Academic Board.
The membership of the Remuneration Committee (“the Committee”) shall include the Chair of the Corporation and at least three other Independent Governors.
The Governing Body shall ensure that a majority of Independent Governors shall have experience of and shall have demonstrated capacity in educational, commercial, industrial, voluntary or employment matters, the practice of any profession or of any other area deemed by the Governing Body to be relevant to the furtherance of the Objects.
Governors who are not Corporation appointed (Independent) Governors cannot stand for election to these roles.
We must improve our Quality by addressing continuous improvement.
NHTM Mission StatementThe mission of the New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics is to provide vision and leadership in improving the teaching and learning of mathematics so that each student is ensured quality mathematics education and each teacher of mathematics is ensured the opportunity to grow professionally.
The appointment of the Chair of the Board of Governors, any Vice-Chairs, Independent Governors, the Director, Deputy Director(s) and the Secretary to the Board.