Individual Support Plan (ISP definition

Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. The Individual Support Plan is developed at minimum annually to reflect decisions and agreements made during a person- centered process of planning and information gathering. The Individual Support Plan is the individual's plan of care for Medicaid purposes.
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve and maintain personal outcomes. The ISP is developed at minimum annually to reflect decisions and agreements made during a person-centered process of planning and information gathering. Individual support needs are identified through a functional needs assessment. The manner in which services are delivered, service providers, and the frequency of services are reflected in an ISP. The ISP is the individual's plan of care for Medicaid purposes and reflects whether services are provided through a waiver, state plan, or natural supports.
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. The type of service supported needed, how supports are delivered, and the frequency of provided supports are included in the ISP. The ISP is developed at minimum annually to reflect decisions and agreements made during a person-centered process of planning and information gathering. The ISP is the individual's plan of care for Medicaid purposes.

Examples of Individual Support Plan (ISP in a sentence

  • If the recipient is unable to provide a signature due to cognitive and/or physical limitations, this will be clearly documented in the Individual Support Plan (ISP).

  • Prior authorization for ODDS services is when the individual has an authorized Individual Support Plan (ISP), there is service level agreement describing the support to be provided that has been signed by the Consumer/common law Employer and PSW, and there is authorization for services in eXPRS Plan of Care.

  • Group services may be provided as long as services outlined within the Person Centered Plan (PCP) or Individual Support Plan (ISP) are able to be fully addressed.

  • If the recipient is unable to provide a signature due to cognitive and/or physical limitations, this must be clearly documented in the recipient’s Plan of Care (POC) or Individual Support Plan (ISP).

  • Locating services and supports consists of assistance to the participant and his or her family in linking, arranging for, and obtaining services specified in an Individual Support Plan (ISP), including needed medical, social, habilitation, education, or other needed community services.

More Definitions of Individual Support Plan (ISP

Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. The ISP is developed at minimum annually, and as needed as the individual’s support needs change, to reflect decisions and agreements made during a person-centered process of planning and information gathering. The ISP is the individual’s plan of care for Medicaid purposes. .
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities and resources required to meet the health, safety, financial and personal goals of the foster child. The ISP is the individual's Plan of Care for Medicaid purposes.
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, costs, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. This ISP is developed by the individual, the individual's personal agent, the individual's legal representative (if any), and other persons who have been invited to participate by the individual or individual's legal representative. The ISP articulates decisions and agreements made through a person-centered process of planning and information-gathering. The ISP is the individual's Plan of Care for Medicaid purposes.
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. The Individual Support Plan is developed at minimum annually to reflect decisions and agreements made during a person-
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal goals. The type of service supports needed, how supports are delivered, and the frequency of provided supports are included in the ISP.
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, and resources required for a child to achieve and maintain personal outcomes. The ISP is developed at minimum annually to
Individual Support Plan (ISP means the written details of the supports, activities, costs, and resources required for an individual to achieve personal outcomes and be supported by the family in the family home. An individual's support needs are identified through a functional