Examples of Initial Rate Year in a sentence
ComEd’s 2018 Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement includes $247,009,000 in income taxes, after accounting for the impact of projected 2017 plant additions.
ComEd used the same depreciation rates to calculate depreciation expense for the 2016 Reconciliation Revenue Requirement and the 2018 Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement.
ComEd included in its 2016 Reconciliation Revenue Requirement rate base and its 2018 Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement rate base Regulatory Assets amounting to $170,514,000.
TNT Sensing The incorporation of CdSe quantum dots into various substrates and matrices for potential TNT sensing is explored in Chapter 6.
ComEd states that it included in its 2016 Reconciliation Revenue Requirement rate base and its 2018 Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement rate base Other Deferred Charges relating to incremental distribution storm costs greater than $10 million.
ComEd states that EIMA thereby establishes a two-year cycle of before-the-fact estimation based on actual and projected costs for years earlier than the rate year and a subsequent after-the-fact reconciliation of that estimated Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement with the actual data.
The Deferred Debits for the 2013 Reconciliation Revenue Requirement rate base and the 2015 Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement rate base are uncontested and therefore approved.
ComEd included in its 2016 Reconciliation Revenue Requirement rate base and its 2018 Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement rate base Deferred Credits of$122,961,000.
For these reasons, ComEd’s adjusted Customer Advances for the 2014 Reconciliation Revenue Requirement rate base and its 2016 Initial Rate Year Revenue Requirement rate base are uncontested.
ComEd submitted evidence that its 2018 Initial Rate Year Rate Base, as adjusted in its rebuttal testimony, is $9,661,978,000.