Inspection area definition
Examples of Inspection area in a sentence
It is the Driver and/or Associate Members responsibility to find the reason (such as a bent part that would directly affect the infraction) before the car leaves the Technical Inspection area.
Inspection area temperatures must be accurately recorded, and monitored in a well-ventilated location away from vehicle engine and exhaust heat sources and out of direct sunlight.
Overall Trust rating from the last inspection Inspection area of focusRatingSafetyInadequateEffectivenessRequires improvementCaringGoodResponsivenessRequires improvementWell-ledInadequateOverall Trust ratingInadequateThe inspectors found areas of good practice, however, they also identified areas we must improve.
Overall Trust rating from the last inspection Inspection area of focusRatingSafetyInadequateEffectivenessRequires improvementCaringGoodResponsivenessRequires improvementWell-ledInadequateOverall Trust ratingInadequateThe inspectors found areas of good practice, however, they also identified areas where we must improve.
The Facility compressed air system also supplies the Harrison Rail Car Maintenance Facility’s rail yard switches and the used oil sump pump in the Main Repair Shop and the lubricant grease pumps located in the Running Repair and Inspection area of the Main Repair Shop.