Examples of Insured Incident in a sentence
Date of Occurrence a For civil cases (other than under Insured Incident I.
What is not covered by this Section 1 Any claim reported to DAS more than 180 days after the date the Insured Person should reasonably have known about the Insured Incident.
You must attend any court hearing in relation to an Insured Incident if requested to do so by Our Administrator or the Appointed Representative.
Rent Arrears Unpaid rent that is owed to You under a tenancy agreement, or would have been owed to You but for the breach of a tenancy agreement to let Your property: where DAS have accepted Your claim under Insured Incident J (b) Repossession.
The Replacement Vehicle will be delivered to You free of charge as soon as is practically possible and in any event within one working day of You reporting an Insured Incident to Us. You may ask for the Replacement Vehicle to be delivered toYou at any convenient place within the Geographical Limits.