Insured Incident definition

Insured Incident means any one accident or illness which causes an Insured Person to be confined to hospital and to undergo certain medical or surgical procedures and/or operations.
Insured Incident means the occurrence or event arising whilst the Insured is performing dive club services and which made it necessary for the insured to incur legal expenses 2. CoverageIn the event of an Insured Incident, we will pay the reasonable Costs and Expenses incurred to:1. Defend You from a legal suite (including criminal) against You and which is not covered by a Third Party Liability policy2. Oppose administrative procedures or sanctions of a value of not less than 550,00 € served against you3. Negotiate for your legal rights arising out of your dive club services against any third party:
Insured Incident means any one accident (as defined) or illness (as defined) and/or emergency (as defined) that necessitates an insured person to undergo certain medical treatment (as defined).

Examples of Insured Incident in a sentence

  • Date of Occurrence a For civil cases (other than under Insured Incident I.

  • What is not covered by this Section 1 Any claim reported to DAS more than 180 days after the date the Insured Person should reasonably have known about the Insured Incident.

  • You must attend any court hearing in relation to an Insured Incident if requested to do so by Our Administrator or the Appointed Representative.

  • Fines and PenaltiesFines, damages other penalties or punitive damages, which the Insured Person is ordered to pay by a court or other authority, except as provided for under Insured Incident 2.

  • For Insured Incident 3 BODILY INJURY we will initially pay the application fee required by the Injuries Board (IB).

More Definitions of Insured Incident

Insured Incident means the occurence or event arising during a diving activity of the Insured and which made it necessary for the insured to incur legal exepenses 2. CoverageIn the event of an Insured Incident, we will pay the reasonable Costs and Expenses incurred to:1. Defend You from a legal suite (including criminal) against You and which is not covered by a Third Party Liability policy2. Oppose administrative procedures or sanctions of a value of not less than 550,00 € served against you3. Negotiate for your legal rights arising out of your diving activities against any third party:
Insured Incident means the occurrence or event arising during a diving activity of the Insured and which made it necessary for the Insured to incur legal expenses. 2. Coverage‌In the event of an Insured Incident, we will pay reasonable Costs and Expenses incurred to defend you from a legal suit (including criminal) against you and which is not covered by a Third Party Liability policy.In addition, you will be covered for costs incurred by opponents in civil cases if an Insured has been ordered to pay them, or pays them with insurer’s agreement and your own or your opponents court costs as decided by a courtInsurers will pay the Costs and Expenses charged by a Representative appointed by Insurers. The most Insurers will pay for any one claim arising at the same time or from the same cause is the amount stated in the Schedule to the Policy or as may be agreed by Insurers. 3. Exclusions applicable to Section 3 only‌Insurers shall not be liable for:1. An incident or matter arising before the start of this cover2. Costs and Expenses incurred before Insurer’s written acceptance of a claim3. Any claim relating to any illness or Bodily Injury which happens gradually or is not caused by a specific or sudden Accident4. Defending an Insured’s legal rights (other than as defined above), but defending a counter-claim made against you by a third party is covered
Insured Incident means any one accident or Illness which causes an Insured Person to be confined to Hospital and to undergo certain medical or surgical procedures and/or operations.
Insured Incident means any one Accident or illness that causes an Insured Person to undergo necessary medical Treatment Covered under this Policy;
Insured Incident means any one Accident and/or Emergency and/or Illness that necessitates an Insured Person to undergo certain Medical Treatment or advice.
Insured Incident means any accident or Illness for which you have to go to hospital and have to get certain medical or surgical procedures or a health event that is covered by the policy.
Insured Incident means any one accident or illness which causes an Insured Person to be confined to